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A/n: I did not proof read

Hermione was fixing her hair in front of her mirror while Pansy was on her bed while playing with her phone. They were going on a date that day but they had to do it as secret as possible because they wanted to keep this secret for a little bit more.

It all started on the roadtrip to Coachella. Hermione was drunk Pansy tried to get her back to one of the cars so she could take care of her. Long story short, Hermione ended up kissing Pansy but passed out right after.

The next day was awkward for Pansy because it seemed like Hermione didn't remember anything. She was about to ask her about it until Hermione just straight up kissed her again.

Then they were here.

"Ready to go?" Hermione asked, turning to Pansy.

"Yeah." Pansy said, putting her phone in her pocket as she got off from Hermione's bed.

Hermione extended her hand towards Pansy who gladly took it as they left their dorm.

Meanwhile, Theo and Neville sat at one of the benches, acting non chalantly as they waited for Pansy and Hermione to pass by.

Apparently Draco and Ginny had done a bit of spy work before they even talked about getting the two together and figured out the two girls' routine.

"They should be here in three minutes." Theo said, checking the time on his phone to make sure.

"Can't we just ask them? It'd certainly be easier than this." Neville asked.

"Well, yeah, but they wouldn't just give themselves up that easily. Besides, where's the fun in that?" Theo said.

"Whatever you say." Neville said with a sigh.

"Get up, they're coming!" Theo said, grabbing his boyfriend's arm and dragging him to a corner.

As soon as Pansy and Hermione rounded the corner, Theo and Neville appeared in front of them, shocking the girls greatly.

"Hello, ladies." Theo said with a kind smile as Pansy hit him on the shoulder.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you? Sneaking up on us like that." Pany said in annoyance.

Hermione slipped her hand away from Pansy's to avoid suspicion. Neville caught sight of that and raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"So where are you two going?" Neville asked.

"Um... We're heading to the library." Hermione said.

"What for?" Theo questioned.

"Mione's going to study and I'm going to accompany her." Pansy replied.

"Speaking of library, I have to brush up on a Herbology test coming up. Mind if we join you two?" Neville suggested and Theo was both shocked and proud of his boyfriend for that.

"Oh, um... We're actually going to be there for awhile so..." Hermione said.

"That'll be absolutely no problem, ladies. Now off to the library!" Theo exclaimed as he linked arms with Pansy as Neville linked arms with Hermione.

'What do you two think you're doing?" Pansy said through gritted teeth, seeing right through Neville and Theo's plan.

"Whatever do you mean, my dear Pansy? Neville and I are simply joining you two at the library. Unless we're interrupting something?" Theo said with a sly grin.

Pansy was about to retort when she heard Hermione cough. She looked at her girlfriend to see her shaking her head causing Pansy to sigh.

"No, not at all." Pansy muttered under her breath.

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