You did WHAT!?

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Not Irondad sorry


"Okay Peter, remember, just read what's on the paper to Nat and Bucky." Steve said, trying to mask his grin.

"Okay...? I guess?" Peter said suspicious like.

"Aunt Nat? Uncle Bucky?" Peter called from the other room.

"Coming!" Nat said.

"I need you two to sit down. Peter has something to say. In Russian." Said Steve, recording on his phone.

"Okay?" Bucky raised his eyebrow.

"Okay uh, У меня беременная девушка, я люблю тебя." Peter shakily said. His Russian wasn't very good as he only knew how to read it but didn't know what it meant.

Nat's eyes widened. "Sorry, what?"

"I said, У меня беременная девушка, я люблю тебя."

"You did WHAT!?!?" The two shouted at the same time.

"What?" Peter asked.

"You got a girl pregnant!?" Bucky asked.

"OH, AUNT NAT UNCLE BUCKY NO!!!" Peter yelled.

"Uncle Steve made me say it!!" Peter shouted.

"He did guys, he did!!" Steve said laughing hysterically.

Tony walked in, hearing all the noise.
"What did Peter do this time?" Tony said sounding bored.

"He said he got a girl pregnant!" Bucky exclaimed.

"Peter, you're grounded for...until College!!!"


This is bad. I based it off of some video i saw on instagram.

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