Chapter 1

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Today was my graduation from the academy. I was finally going to become a soul reaper.

I rose from my bed to start getting ready and I couldn't stop thinking about who my captain would be and what squad I would be placed with. I just hoped I wouldn't end up on Squad Eleven because I don't think I'd survive with them. Especially since Captain Kiganjo is the current Kenpachi. 

I quickly got ready and rushed to the Soul Reaper Academy, trying to be as early as possible.

I stepped inside and followed where the other graduating students were walking.

They were walking to one of the empty classrooms and I took my seat next to one of the students. The instructor came in after a few minutes and started naming off the other students, telling them what squad they would be with.

I zoned out for a bit, but then snapped out of it quickly.

"Naomi Saito," The instructor said to me. "You will be with Squad Five, under Captain Shinji Hirako,"

I smiled with excitement.

"You won't be named a seated officer just yet though."

That was disappointing, but I wasn't too discouraged by it. I just wanted to become a soul reaper. I can just work my way to becoming a seated officer. 

After all, I had a reason for wanting to become a soul reaper. 

After the graduation was over, they handed us the standard soul reaper uniform and we were left to change into it and meet our new captain. I took only a few minutes to change and I started walking to Squad Five's barracks.

I couldn't help but wonder if Captain Hirako would be super strict or nice. I just hoped he would like me.

I saw the barracks and my heart started to pound with anticipation.

Here goes nothing.

I quietly opened the door and saw a man with the captain's uniform. He had long blonde hair, chestnut brown eyes, and he had somewhat of a bored expression on his face. There was also some odd music playing on a square-shaped box with a black disk spinning.

My face heated up when I saw him. I kind of stood at the doorway in a daze.

"How long are you going to keep standing there?" He sighed.

My cheeks heated up even more from embarrassment and I quickly walked over to his desk, bowing.

"M-My apologies Captain Hirako!" I exclaimed.

He didn't reply and I lifted my head up. He looked a bit annoyed.

"You don't need to be so formal, you know," He sighed. "You're the new girl that just got admitted to Squad Five, right?"

I nodded. "Y-Yes,"

"Stop stuttering,"

"Sorry Captain," I blushed. "I just...I can't help but get so nervous since this is my first day and I'm trying to leave a good impression on you,"

"Since you're new, I'll let you off the hook," Captain Hirako said. "What's your name?"

"Naomi Saito," I answered, trying my hardest not to bow again.

I was surprised to see that he wasn't a fan of formality. I know most captains, like Captain Kuchiki, took formality very seriously.

The door opened again and Captain Hirako's face changed. He looked a lot more serious this time, "What is it, Sosuke?"

I turned around, seeing a man with shaggy dark brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses. 

"I have some paperwork from Squad Thirteen," the man said. "Sorry to impose Captain,"

The captain didn't reply.

The man then looked at me with a bit of confusion. "May I ask who this is?"

"This is our new member, Naomi Saito. She just graduated today," Captain Hirako replied, with a hint of ice in his voice.

"I see," The man said and turned to me, smiling. "I'm Sosuke Aizen, Squad Five's lieutenant. Nice to meet you, Naomi,"

I smiled back at him. "You too, Lieutenant Aizen,"

My face heated up slightly since I found him attractive.

Sosuke placed the paperwork on the captain's desk and then gave me one last look before leaving the room. 

"Um, is that all for today, Captain?" 

"Yes," He answered. "It is,"

I nodded. 

"Have a good night, Captain,"

I turned around to leave and Captain Hirako spoke again.


I turned to face him.


"I want you to be careful around Sosuke," He warned. "I don't trust him, so don't get too close to him."

"What's wrong with Lieutenant Aizen?" I ask.

He didn't reply, so I took that as my cue to leave the room. 

I walked out and I saw Lieutenant Aizen leaving too. Was he there this whole time?

I shrugged it off and walked home.

Once I got there, I went to the bathroom so I could draw myself a bath. 

It was nice to relax after being tense all day. 


This is kind of set in Turn Back the Pendulum and around the time when Rukia got close with Kaien. This is something new I'm trying out, so tell me your feedback in the comments. This is a test, so depending on how well this story goes, I will probably write more Bleach content. 

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