👣✨Baby Steps👣✨(Oneshot)

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This is not in the apocolypse
Description: This is a small oneshot of Clem and lou attempting to get their 9 month year old amber to almost walk.

"Here come on, let's give it another try little one." Clem heard the sound of her husbands voice from inside ambers room. "What are you doing honey?" Clem came inside the room and saw how Louis was nealed on the ground with the baby in his arms. "I wanna teach our young highness here how to walk before she could even turn 1 in 2 more months." Louis looked up at clem for a quick second before cooing at his daughter.

"It takes time and practice, let's not rush it." Clem nealed next to Louis and placed a hand on his shoulder. She saw how her baby was starting to get upset with her little cries as she started to reach for Clem. "Someone wants mommy I see, it's all good." Louis placed a hand to his heart pretending he felt betrayed.
"Here I'll see if I could get her to do something, it's mama and daughter quality time I guess." Clem giggled as she heard the baby make a cute little sneeze.

Clem stood up and went back down trying to reposition herself where she could teach the baby a few steps. She placed the baby where her small feet touched the ground and held her baby hands with her index fingers. "Now let's take one st-." Before clem knew it the baby fell on her bottom, causing Clem and lou to laugh. "Here come on let's stand up sweetpea." Clem helped the baby up as her hands were still wrapped around her index finger. "Second times a charm." Louis said in an uplifting tone, and went in front of the baby so she could walk toward him. "I'll catch you if you fall little one, just come and walk towards daddy." Lou smiled, not caring if the baby couldn't understand a thing he just said.

After Clem helped the baby have a more stable balance, she freed her fingers away from her and saw that she was standing. It was the most amazing thing she had seen today. Clem saw how the baby was starting to almost cry a bit as she reached her hands out for Louis and took another step, getting closer to him. "Come on Amber, you got this." Louis clapped for amber and saw how she took another step, and right before she would fall on her bottom Louis swooped her from the ground and tickled her as he was happy she was getting at this.

"That's how you do it my little girl, soon you'll be walking better than your mom." Louis joked and saw how clem raised a brow up at him. "And how's that?" Clem asked sternly. "It could be because your big butt is holding you back or you're just a mega turtle." Louis saw how Clem's had a shy and embarrassed look with her cheeks turning pink. "Shut up... I
have to give our sweetpea lunch anyways." Clem gave Louis and awkward giggle before picking up amber from the ground. "Seems yummy, wouldn't wanna miss that." Louis gently squeezed ambers cheek before heading out the room with Clem.

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