Sanskar raising his eyebrows: Acha

And like this, all of them spent a nice time together and both Swasan, as well as Raglak, came down the stage and took their seats in front allowing other guests to bless the couple. During that time, Laksh asked Ragini: What Aman was talking about on the stage with Shona?

Ragini started narrating everything.


In Gadodia mansion, Shekar was frustrated as every day, his wife and his mother were irritating him by shouting on him for being the reason for their daughter's hate.

Sharmishta(his wife): Because of you my daughters have disowned me too. Now they don't even want to see my face.

 Parvathi(his mom): Chi, I never thought you are so could you be the culprit of your own sister who loved you selflessly? Even God won't forgive you.

Just then two girls came in and looking at them Shomi(short for Sharmishta) went and hugged them tightly with tears: Shona, Ragu!! (both the girls just stood there like a statue not reciprocating any feelings)

Behind them came two policemen and two people wearing white coats looking like doctors.

Policeman1: Mr. Gadodia, this is court notice that you should vacate this house.

Shekar: What the hell? This is my house, why should I?

Policeman1: Well, this document says that it belongs to Mr. Sanskar Maheshwari. And his wife Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari has complained that you are illegally staying in their house. 

Shekar: Look this is my house and I have original documents.

He went in to get them but didn't find them. Swara followed him into the room,

Swara: Don't try so hard Mr. Shekar Gadodia, you can't find the documents. Those were already burnt. 

Ragini too came: This is your punishment for killing our bua and her little daughter. 

Swara: we have given Sanskar everything that is don't deserve even a penny. (She shouted) Commissioner sir, please complete your formalities. 

Shekar: Swara, Ragini...I am your father, you can't do this to me. Please beta, I did all this only for you.

Swara and Ragini were not paying any attention to his pleadings. They stood there like a hard rock.

The policemen came there and were about to take him but the doctor stopped them: Excuse me, police officer, you can't arrest him now. (He showed a document) His mother gave us this medical statement and asked us to take her son to asylum as his mental condition is not proper.

Parvathi: Yes sir, please try to cure my son. He is acting like a phsyco.  

Doctor: Yes mam, we know how to handle such patients. Recently, we have got a new generator as well. You know right it consumes so much electricity to give shock to so many patients.  And our scientists are inventing new techniques to torture (As the policeman widened his eyes) I mean to cure our patients. Don't worry, we will take care of him.

Police officer after verifying the papers: Okay doctor, please let us know after he is fine.

Saying which they all left taking protesting Shekar along with them. 

Swara hugging her dadi: Wow, dadima!! we didn't get this idea. You are such a smarty...ha

Wiping her tears Parvathi: All these days I was thinking that my daughter was dead in a fire accident but I never thought that the accident was done by my son. Such people should not stay outside.

All this while Sharmishta was seeing everything being shocked as she was not aware of anything.

Ragini: dadi, ma you both can stay here. We have not told Sanskar anything about this. Probably, we can't meet you as frequently as possible.

Sharmishta: That doesn't mind as long as my daughters are happy in their lives.

Swara: Take care.

Flashback ends

Laksh: Oh my god, this much happened and I had no clue.

Ragini: shh! don't shout. 

Laksh: I have one doubt Ragu, why did you plan so much when you can directly file a complaint against your dad as he killed Sanskar's parents.

Ragini hitting her head: Ofoo Budhu, from where we would get the evidence. We don't have any...So, we forged the documents and stolen the original ones with the help of Aman (she winked at him while Laksh was bewildered listening to his wife)

As they were busy in their talks, Aman's wedding was done and everyone returned back and lived their lives happily being there for one another.


Kisiki ghar basane ke liye dusronki ghar ujalna nahi chahiye.

Stay happy and let others live happily.

Now done with the epilogue as well. I hope it's not that disappointing.

Do hit star if you liked it and I am very eager to know your views on this story.

Signing off,

With Love



(Edited on 10/03/2020)

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