chapter 15

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I was greeted by simon sat on his gaming chair probably editing.

I came up behind him and put mu arms round his neck hoping he would turn round. But he didnt. I kissed the top of his head but still no answer.
"Simon?" i say to him.

No response.

"Simon" i say abit louder and more stern.

"WHAT!?" He responds still not looking at me.

"Whats put you in a mood?" I say trying to calm the situation.

"Well im TRYING TO EDIT BUT YOUR distacting me " he replys.

I grab my things amd leave the room... in the heat of the moment i storm through the kitchen with josh glaring at me as i did.

"Whats he done?" Josh asks.

But i ignore him and head to my car and drive home...

Breathe - miniminter and Talia MarWhere stories live. Discover now