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i was at the park. running away from my worries back at home. running away from my problems. running away from life.

sitting alone on the swings. i thought about a lot of things, but my mind lingered on my family. my mother who would do anything to keep me away from my father. my younger brother who still continues to believe in aliens even though he's a high school senior. and my father, whom i have no memories of.


would i have ever imagined what would happen next? no. never in my life would i have seen this coming. science cannot explain this.

i saw a meteorite. and no. that's not the exciting part. i saw another object flying closely behind it. it looked like a plate with an unfinished pancake on it.

i lazily got off the swings, wanting to see the unknown object better. not knowing anything, the object landed. or more like, crashed, onto the floor. right in front of me.

i cautiously prodded closer to the object. i wish i had my brother with me. but i'm glad he wasn't here to scream in my ear about this.

after waiting for a while, nothing happened. i was scared. really. but my curiosity edged me to go in even closer. to open the door.

laying on the floor was a beautiful flower. one seemingly made out of millions of diamonds and stars combined. the flower looked like it was wilting, but i didn't want such a pretty life to be lost so soon. especially not if its this particular flower.

the flower felt like it would be able to regain strength if i planted and cared for it well.

so i brought it back with me.

temporarily forgetting about my worries.

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