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ADDY wasn't quite sure how she had gotten herself into her current predicament.

Having run the events of the past hour over her head - none of which were particularly exciting, as she had been hiding in Diego's room - she had drawn no conclusion other than simply being born.

The story of the Umbrella Epidemic wasn't one that surprised the girl. Rather, it was that she was one of these gifted children. She had always had a way with plants, but it wasn't really until the incident with Diego a few hours prior that she had realised how truly gifted she was.

Addy stood in the pouring rain, holding an umbrella over her head and Diego's. She had felt it was disrespectful to attend the funeral of the respected billionaire whom she had only met, according to the man she stood next to, when she was a newborn baby, and that meeting must have been fleeting (her mother, she was sure, wouldn't even consider giving Addy up). Yet, she watched from the sidelines awkwardly as a gorilla of a man emptied an urn, and the ashes of Sir Reginald Hargreeves fell pathetically onto the ground.

She noted the presence of ten others. The large one who had poured the ashes, whom she assumed was Number One, Luther Hargreeves. Deciding to mentally put them in order, she saw Diego, who she knew was Number Two. Number Three, global superstar Allison Hargreeves stood tall and beautiful. Next, she looked over to Number Four, Klaus Hargreeves, his attire questionable not only for the occasion but everyday life. Then, she saw a child. She deduced that he was the one who had gone missing at the age of thirteen, seventeen years ago, Number Five. She saw the absence of Ben Hargreeves, and silently mourned Number Six as well as the man whose funeral she was attending. She looked over to Number Seven, Vanya Hargreeves, bestselling author of her autobiography, 'Extra-Ordinary: My Life as Number Seven', and Addy's heart immediately swelled with pity for the poor girl. She saw a monkey, Pogo, and the children's robotic mother, Grace. She also saw a strange boy, around the same age as Five, and the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. She had bright blonde hair, gorgeous eyes, a perfect face shape and an amazing taste in fashion. Addy almost immediately felt attracted to the woman, before reminding herself that she was at a funeral and shouldn't stare.

Fortunately for the lovestruck girl, Pogo started to speak. Addy smiled at his words in respect, but couldn't help agree ever so slightly with Diego, as he cut in with "he was a monster."

Diego ranted about Sir Hargreeves, and this seemed to pinch a nerve with Luther.

They broke out into a fight. Addy gasped. Five voiced his disinterest and dragged the Addy - along with the boy and hot blonde - inside of the house.

"Th-thank you, Five," she muttered, blushing furiously at her proximity with the blonde woman.

Five nodded, clearly trying to seem nonchalant. "Well, then. Who are you guys?"

"Adelaide Sanderson, um, you can call me Addy," the adorable girl introduced, her face still pink.

"Finley Stephens," the blonde smirked, recognising Addy's interest. "You can call m-"

"I'm Willis Bauer, Will would do fine," the boy cut across. Five raised an eyebrow.

"Will, huh?"

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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