Re: Message [One Shot]

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Once, there were two children, a boy and a girl named Isaac Williams and Chloe Rogers. They were the typical childhood friends, cannot be torn apart nor enjoy while the other wasn't around. Even their parents, who were friends with each other, struggles when the beautiful sun sets.

Every moment of their fun-filled lives were spent together, happily bonding with each other. Their families usually go to outings together. At one time, their parents jokingly planned their wedding, which the two disregarded but each is embarrassed by the thought.

Time passed as these two grew up to adolescence, they had their own personalities and hobbies, different from each other. Isaac grew to be a easy-go-lucky and fun-loving person while Chloe turned into a simple yet charming lady. Nevertheless, their relationship still remained strong. They had a lot of other peers whom they had same interests with but these two still stayed as best friends, as if there is something that's keeping them together, no matter how much time passed by.

One evening, both their families, being neighbors and close with each other, planned to eat at the Rogers' home "for the sake of old times," as Mr. Rogers told them, which the Willams gratefully accepted. Both families only have mediocre lives, not too rich, but not too poor also. The table became noisy since food was set down. It was like a buffet table with many delicious food. Then, their parents noticed that their two children was happily chatting with each other, which provoked them to tease the two for being lovebirds and then, they talked about their 'planned' wedding. Chloe blushed and Isaac fought for his case but to no avail for Mr. Rogers returns all what he says back at him with a teasing smile. As the friendly argument grows longer, Chloe held Isaac's hand, which immediately silenced not only him but also the whole table. As he sat back on his seat beside his childhood 'friend', their parents exchanged happy and understanding looks at each other.

One day, a tragic accident happened at the construction site Mr. Rogers works at. The building collapsed and debris fell everywhere. He got severely injured and must be medicated abroad. Chloe and Mrs. Rogers followed their father and husband and, with a heavy heart, left the Williams, though they promised that they'd return when Mr. Rogers has completely recovered. The distance struck a heavy blow between the two lovers.

As to compensate for the distance between them, they chatted daily through the internet. They kept in touch with each other, telling one another of what is happening in their lives and also keeping an eye on Mr. Rogers' steady recovery with the help of prayers from both families. Though there's a great distance between them, their relationship got stronger and better as each day passed by.

After a few years, Mr. Rogers physically and mentally recovered from the incident. Together with that, the two told their parents that they will marry each other when the Rogers returned to the country, which both sides agreed on for they saw their sincerity and they were both at the right age to settle down, anyway. The two families were both excited for the upcoming event and when Chloe's parents told her that they would spend more time 'vacationing', the girl told them that she would go ahead of them, which they permitted her to do so. She took the earliest plane to go home, nothing in her mind except to see her future husband.

Isaac went to the airport on a cold winter's day to pick her up. He waited at the arrival area, where she told him to see her. The place was crowded and filled with people looking for their relatives and the staff were everywhere, walking back and forth. When he felt his feet became numb and sore, he sat on the waiting area and watched the television. There, on a news report, he saw the plane his fiancée was riding crashed due to an unknown problem.

His whole world suddenly shrunk. He couldn't feel his body anymore. His brain began shutting down, unable to accept what he saw. All their plans for their future vanished into thin air. Oh how he wished to wake up from this nightmare, he thought.

When he regained his senses, he tried to walk towards the exit, still thinking of her bright smile and the times they spent together. All of those, slowly slipping away from his grasp.

He was the first one to know of it all

When he told his family, it was hard for them to accept it, telling him it's a bad joke. When his mother saw him being lost in his eyes, her eyes started to well up and ran off to the bedroom. Mr. Williams called the Rogers, when he told them about it, they said that they already knew with the sound of grieving on the other line.

As the call goes on, Isaac mindlessly wandered out to the backyard and sat beneath the mango tree he and Chloe would lay down at during a hot summer day, though today is as cold as their fate, for it is already in the middle of winter.

When he was beside the tree, he saw something sparkle near it's base. Then he remembered.

It was the bottle with letters that they made for each other. They promised to read their messages to each other once the Rogers returned from abroad.

The day of her arrival.

The day that never came.

Gently, he took the bottle out, removed the plastic cork, and pulled out her letter. He cleared his mind and read the letter:

"Dear Isaac,

Well, this is it. I'm glad that after all these years, we remained as good friends. Nothing could stop us, we're like in a fairy tale, overcoming all problems and tragedies through our time

Remember when we first had Elizabeth, our little puppy? Your parents brought her home from the rescue center. She was all thin and frail back then. I pitied her and her body. After we had dinner, I always sneaked out some of my food to feed her and pet her for an hour or more! She slowly regained her strength and became a normal dog! We were so happy that day. She even got pregnant! Though the strain of her birth-giving was too much and her body simply collapsed. I still remember what I felt that day, it still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. We cried our hearts out that day. We hugged each other, asking what we would do without her. After that, we sent her sons and daughters to good homes, trying to move on. But we still watched our favorite cartoons with her dog collar beside us. We even slept beside her empty dog house one night, remember? Both our mothers were very angry at us.

When we were in middle school, we kind of grew apart, I don't know why, actually. Every night, I'd include you in my prayers, wishing to God that we would still have that relationship we had when we were kids. That's when I felt I fell in love with my childhood friend. I'd always ask your mom if you were home, which she usually replied that you're at a friend's house for a group study. You seldomly come out of your room when you're at home, either studying or playing computer games, as if you're avoiding me. Sometimes, I wonder if you were still the one that I spent my childhood with.

Does he feel the same way for me too?

Does he know that I always think about him?

I just want to tell you that from the very start, you were my knight in shining armor that would protect me from all harm because I trust you. The time for goodbyes is now ending and it's time for a new beginning. If you still don't get my message...

What I'm trying to ask is if you love me too? I love you, Isaac Williams, with all my heart and till death do us part. Will you accept me as your loving bride?

Chloe Rogers"

A tear then fell from his eye while holding her letter on his chest.

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