Shelly x Colt

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The Rescue Mission

(A love story where Shelly saves her man 😉)

Shelly hummed and walked around the path like she owned the place, until suddenly she yeeted herself into a bush after hearing someone in the distance.

Shelly raised a brow after scanning the area inside a bush until something caught her eye.

She peeked her head out and saw her friend Colt, who was getting 'bull-ied' by bull and also not to mention threatening him about some green gems.

She narrowed her eyes at the two and sighed before murmuring to herself. "Dang it colt, always getting into some kind of trouble..!"

"I'll do whatever you want! just please don't hurt me..!" Bull laughed and grabbed his shirt before lifting him off the ground. "Look at you, not so powerful now huh?" Bull said as he took all of colts green gems.

"Hey! give those back! and also my weapons!" Colt then winced when Bull raised his fist as if he was going to get punched hard. "And what are you going to do about it??" Colt laughed nervously.

There was a loud shake in the bushes, causing Bull to stop what he was doing. The purple haired girl came out, acting like nothing happened while she came struting with confidence. "Hey boys!"

Colt winced as he thought he was going to get punched until he blinked in suprise as they both looked at her. "Shelly??? what do you think your doing here?!" Colt said as he didn't want to bring her into this.

"Your letting a girl help you!? pfft, please!" He snorted. Shelly glared at bull, but shook her head and remembered to follow her plan to play him out with a trick. She suddenly changed her attitude and tried to flirt with bull.

"Actually, no. I wasn't going to help him, but I do wished that I had a tough and handsome partner like you~" She lightly touched bulls shoulder in a teasing way.

Bull just kept on glaring at Shelly as if he wasn't affected by this at all. "So, bull~ how did you get all these muscles?"

"Im sorry, WHAT?!" Colt said abruptly in suprise.

"Can it!" Shelly snapped at Colt before resuming to her chat with a slight nervouse laugh. Colt went quiet but sighed quietly.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you would like to be my partner instead.."

Bull narrowed his eyes and suddenly dropped Colt onto the ground, making dust go up and on his face. "Ow."

"Why would you want to be?" He asked intimidatingly, making Shelly almost slip up from her nervousness and make a eek sound. "O-oh! yeah, of course! I mean... You have a shotgun, I have a shotgun, I have two eyes you have two eyes..."

"...R-really?" Bull said as he blushed lightly. "No." Shelly then blasted her shotgun in his face, making him growl and dodge the shot. "Come on, lets go!" Shelly then yanked Colt who was scratching the back of his head from the fall.

He quickly snapped out of it and ran for his life with hers before complementing her. "Thanks Shelly!" "Dont mention it!" "Wait, why didn't you steal our gems back?!" Colt said. "Quit your yapping! I have it right here!" As they were running Shelly quickly took one gem out of her pocket to show him, making colt smile wide. "now watch out!!" Shelly said. Bull slammed through multiple rocks as they ran. He literally made a angry cow/bull sound while his eyes was filled with rage when he came charging.

"Don't you have your long range pistols to shoot???" "Umm.. well actually bull stole them from me.." "How the hec- ugh forget it!"

As they came running by a rock they both looked at eachother and nodded before teaming up and quickly parting both ways before Bull charged head on to a big rock that was strong enough to stop him.

The bull twitched once he hit face on to the rock before slumping down onto the desert floor and groaning as he was dazed.

Colt then happily took his pistols from bulls pocket before flipping them around his hands with a grin. "Thaank, you!" Shelly rolled her eyes. "I think we deserve some of barleys drinks right now." Colt agreed, and before he can say anything else Shelly kissed his cheek before heading off to the bar. "Now no more getting into trouble." Colt blushed hard and frozed as he was now left alone with bull. He was almost daydreaming but his heart fluttered. "Pfft, that's unBULL-ieveable." Colt sqeaked, he held onto his guns as he was suprised that Bull was still conscious after that.

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