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Cannot stand the noise from you anymore

Why don't you just leave before I lose my head?

Grit my teeth together, intensity in my eyes

About to lose my mind, starting to see red

Cannot help but wonder why you do this to me

Do you not want me to feel my love for you?

You intentionally push me to the edge

Forcing me to say things that I don't want to 

The last thing on my mind was to hurt you

Never a good idea to test my patience

Pushing my buttons was a foolish game

Now I'm screaming at you, this makes no sense

Going overboard, didn't want to make you cry

Didn't ask for this, was lost in my own mind

Now I feel guilty. Was that your plan after all?

Bags packed, gone on a trip...sanity I hope I find

Come close to me, you know I love you still

Wiping the tears from your face, It will be ok

Kissing your forehead, I am so sorry dear

Holding you close, forgiveness is what I pray

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