Chapter 20: Blue Eyes Blind

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As the weekend came to an end, Madison and Kasey packed their things and said their goodbyes. "I promise I'll visit more" Madison told Heather as she hugged her goodbye. "I don't doubt it. Please remember what we talked about" Heather said. "I promise" she said hugging her one last time. Kasey grabbed Madison's bag and helped her to the car. "Our time passes too quickly" he said. "I know and that's what sucks about long distance relationships" she said. Kasey leaned into kiss her and shut her door. "I love you Madison" he said. "I love you too Kase." 

The following weekend Kasey was back racing in Sonoma. He and Madison had talked since last weekend when he saw her, but god did he ever miss her. "Kasey time for qualifying" Lisa said rushing him to the garage. As Kasey put on his helmet, he could see from a distance someone talking to Lisa. He didn't think anything of it and got in the car. "You got the pole!" he heard his crew chief Keith say over the radio. "Woohoo" Kasey yelled. He brought his car into his garage stall and got out. About that time he saw Lisa walking over with the mystery girl. "Well looks like you still got it" Madison said coming up to hug him. "What are you doing here?" he asked surprised. "I missed you and Lisa thought you would like it" she said. "I do" Kasey said. "Kasey since you got the pole you need to make your way to victory lane" Lisa said. "I'll be back" he told her. She followed the photographers and reporters to where he was as he signed the Coors Light Pole wall and took pictures with his car. He smiled at her and she wished she had seen him win his first race. 

"Omg I think he's going to do it" Heather said screaming at the TV. Madison was way too nervous to watch and was on the couch with her knees to her chest. "And Kasey Kahne wins at Richmond" the announcers screamed. Madison jumped off the couch and hugged Heather as tears streamed down her face. "Why are you crying?" Heather asked. "I'm just happy he finally got a win" she said. "Are you going to call him?" she asked. "No it would be too hard" Madison trailed off. 

"Earth to Madison" Kasey said coming up to her. "Sorry was daydreaming I guess" she said. "I guess so. Would you like to come back to the hotel with me?" he asked. "Sure" she said as he took her hand and they walked through the garage. As they left the track, Kasey drove through the winding roads of wine country. "I'm glad you came out" he said kissing her hand. "Me too" she said. They road in silence until Kasey spoke. "I'm lucky to have you" he said. Madison was taken aback. "What makes you say that?" she asked. "You still get me after all these years and you don't care who I am" he said kissing her hand. "Always Kase. To me you'll always be that 18 year old that I fell in love with" Madison said. Kasey looked at her and smiled and went back to driving.

Sunday arrived and Kasey walked into the garage hand in hand with Madison. "Are you nervous?" she asked as he walked into the hauler. "I always get a little anxious before a race, but not nervous" he said smiling at her. "Good morning Kasey, Madison" Lisa said coming from the lounge at the front of the hauler. "Morning" Kasey said grabbing a drink out of the fridge. "Ok Kasey, you have an appearance at the Chevy stage at 10:30 and then you need to be back here to get ready" Lisa said. "Perfect" Kasey said taking a swig of his drink. Kasey and Madison walked to the front of the hauler and went to sit in the lounge. "Is this how you remember it?" Kasey asked her. "Well this one is a little nicer than the one you first started in" she said with a smile. "Yeah those were the days first starting out" he said laying his head against the couch. "Do you remember that time in Bristol where we were making out in the hauler and someone nearly walked in on us? Our cover would have been blown then" he said. Madison smiled and went back to that memory in her head. 

"Do you think people would be mad if they knew we were together?" Madison asked Kasey as they sat in his hauler before the spring Bristol race. "I don't think so" Kasey said smiling at her closing the space between them. Madison leaned into the kiss and Kasey and her lips touched. The electricity was unbelievable. Kasey slid his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss. Madison pulled Kasey on top of her, as the moment kept getting hotter. "I want you" he said. "Here?" she asked. He smiled at her as they heard the door start to open. Kasey immediately sat up. Madison sat there acting like nothing had happened has Ray Evernham walked in. "Kasey good run today" he said. 

Madison came back to reality realizing 2004 had been a really good year. "What are you thinking about?" Kasey asked her. "Just how great it was that year" she said slumping down on the couch. "Maybe if you hadn't have left, we could have had a lot of those good years" he said. "I know Kase; it just wasn't in the cards for me. After Las Vegas, I had had enough I thought. Then we hooked up that day in Bristol and I thought maybe it was a good idea to be with you, but I felt like I was holding you back. "You never held me back" he said. "If anything you made it harder when you just walked out of my life" he said. "Like you did to me when you went to Indiana" she said. "I guess that's fair" he said. "Kasey, you need to get to the Chevy appearance" Lisa said walking up the stairs. "Ok" he said getting up off the couch. "I'll see you in a bit" he said kissing Madison goodbye. Madison sat there as the hum of the generator made noise in the background. It was still weird for her to be here again. It was a place she had told herself not to walk down again, but here she was back in love with that blue eyed boy from her past. 

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