Andy Imagine: Date Night

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Mr. Crossfit: It's date night. Dress warm :)

You looked at the message in confusion. You and Andy always talked about date night, but this week you didn't even being it up.

You grabbed your Fall Out Boy hoodie and put it on as Andy pulled up to the house.

"Hey, hurry up!" Andy yelled as you opened up the car door. "It's date night!"

"Shut it, Tattoo Boy," you hissed as you got into the car. "Besides, we never talked about it."

"Oh, come on, I wanted to surprise you. There's no harm in that," he told you as you fastened your seatbelt and Andy started to drive somewhere.

A few minutes later he pulled into an ice skating rink and you grew white. You couldn't ice skate at all. In fact, you couldn't even stand up straight without falling on your face.

"Are you surprised?" He asked excitedly.

"Yeah!" You said with fake happiness. You were gonna make a fool out of yourself.


Andy was already on the ice and you were making up excuses like I need a bigger pair of skates, I have to use the restroom, Ooh there's a snack bar, and so on. Soon, you ran out of excuses and had no choice but to join your husband.

You put on your skates and made your way to the ice. You made it one step, then you fell down.

"Aw, looks like your falling for me, (Y/N)," Andy cooed as he skated by.

"We're married, Andy," you groaned as you sat up.

"Still," he smirked. "Let me help you."

Andy pulled you up and you were balanced when you were holding onto him for dear life. You took slow steps and hung onto the rail they had for beginners and you watched as other people gracefully skated past.

You got used to it and started to go on your own, but you being the Bambi you were, you would constantly lose balance, especially when Andy skated by.

"Why can you skate so well?!" You groaned as you went back to the beginners rail.

"I've had practice, come on, grab my hand," Andy said while extending his tattooed hand out. You took it and Andy started to skate, leaving you to cling to him.

"It's fine, (Y/N)," he reassured you while laughing. "Not everybody gets it on the first try. Want to go sit down?"

You nodded and Andy took you back on land.

"Andy, I'm sorry," you apologized while sitting down at your table.

"For what?" He asked while taking the skates off.

"Acting like a fool on date night, I should've told you that I couldn't skate."

"Well, I thought it was cute how you stayed close to the rail. Besides, we came here to have fun."

"Yeah," you laughed. "It was fun."

"See?! Now I bet you want to go home and watch Netflix, correct?"

You nodded and began to unlace your skates.

"Anything for you," he said while kissing your head.

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