While you where waiting in the cue of people too get to your apparently 'special' Minister Box Seats.

You kept glancing at Draco then too the floor

You where still a bit shocked when he lied too your father about where you were.

You knew you had too thank him but was this rally the time

You where cut of by Draco coughing a bit too get your attention.

"Are you alright Y/n you have been staring at the floor from some time" He said a slight tint of worry in his tone of voice.

You look up at him and manage too from the words out of your mouth quite quickly though


Draco raised an eyebrow and sighed saying "Don't think I'm going soft on you because I'm
Not but I figured that your punishment last time was way too extreme will all the bruises."

You got a bit squeamish and upset when he talked about what your father did too yourself last summer

Draco noticed this and decide too try and cheer you up a bit.

"You know when I saved you from Pansy she was speaking as fast as yourself all over me saying 'Oh,DracoILoveYouSoMuch.'

You laughed as he did a Pansy impression

"I can totally see her being all over you and saying all of that" you laughed out

You and Draco stood their laughing for a moment until his father started talking too someone above you.

"Well put it this way, If it rains you'll be the first to know"

You both look up too see The Wesley's with Harry and Hermione.

You noticed most of the boys where actually looking at yourself and not anyone else.

Especially Harry he gave you that glare of disappointment that he does too people he hates.

"My father and I and The L/n are in the Ministers Box by personal invasion by Cornelius Fudge himself!" Draco bragged dragging me by my arm beside him and his father while my family walking behind us as well.

You tried too squirm your arms out of his grasp but he only tightened it more

"Don't boast Draco, There's no need with these people" Lucius said while whacking his cane on Draco's chest.

You looked up at your friends in an agonising expression with pure guilt

They seemed too have noticed your expression but merely turned their back on you and was about too started walking away when Lucius stopped them by putting the top of him cane down on Harry's foot.

They all turn back around a bit shocked at his actions

"Do enjoy yourself, Won't you? While you can." He says plainly and creepily

He then takes of his cane and they all scatter up the stairs you saw Hermione and Ginny give you a Pity and sorrow look but walked further and further away up the stairs until you couldn't see them.

You's continued walking too the Ministers Box you only realised that Draco was still holding your arm until you reached your seats he let go of the tight grip when you sat in your seats.


Harry's PoV
"Blimey Dad! How far up are we!?!?!?!" Ron Yelled with excitement

"We'll put it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know" we all turn too see Lucius But that want the only bad thing that was happening when I turned around I saw Y/n and Draco laughing and smiling at each other!?!?!

'THIS MUST BE A NIGHTMARE!!' My brain screeched

Y/n and Draco suddenly looked up and I gave Y/n the disappointment look I really don't want too give her the look I know she hates it but I'm glad I did.

"My father and I and The L/n are in the Ministers Box by personal invitation by Cornelius Fudge himself!" Draco bragged not too mention he grabbed Y/Ns arm and stared dragging her into it as well!

I was furious but Ron looked like his head was gonna explode.

Ron's PoV
I was going too murder that bleach blond boy prick!!!

"That Bloody Arse I Swear Too God... Did You See The Way He Grabbed Her Arm!" I ranted on and on about Draco while walking too our seats.

"Yeah I know the look on her face as well said it all!!!" Harry explain with fury

"Yeah! Next time we see that blood boy we'll hex him out of this existence." Fred and George said at the same time

Fred's PoV
I look at George and he looks back at me

We both knew what we where both thinking and going too do about the situation

George's PoV
Freddie looks at me I look back at him

We both know what we where both thinking and going too do about the situation

Both PoV

'YESSSSSSSSS!!!' We both thought yelling again.

We then both high five each other, While other people gave us weird and confused looks

But we didn't care as long as we could make
Y/n ours

Even if it means we have too share.

Word count 1,360

Boys Boys and more Boys Harry Potter various x reader *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now