Chapter 2

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Nanna smiled as she hummed a tune in her head while she danced around the kitchen preparing a feasts worth of food, if there was one thing Nanna loved most on earth besides her family it was the food and the fact she was allowed to cook. she loved to cook for anyone who would eat it, she had learned to cook from the kitchen staff at the castle but it was nothing compared to learning all of the different foods that they had on earth. now she was cooking up a feast for the love of her life, Iemitsu was finally coming home after spending two years abroad and he was bringing his boss home for a visit as well.

she was a little up set with Iemitsu for being gone for so long but at least she was finally getting her husband back even if it was only for a week or so, she just wished that Tsuna would have more time with her father but her little girl had begged to be able to go mewni for the few days that they were having a festival celibrating little princess star. Tsuna loved her cousin to pieces and nanna couldn't blame her for wanting to spend a few days with her adorable cousin instead of spending it with the father that was never home, nanna knew Iemitsu tried his best but there was only so much a phone call and post card a year could do to create a bond between a father and daughter. 

Thankfully Moon had agreed to send someone to pick Tsuna up in time for the opening of the party leaving the little girl to run around in the back yard waiting for four o'clock to come around so she could leave for the party, it was already noon. Tsuna would only be staying at the castle for a few days but nanna was getting more anxious the longer it took for Iemitsu to come home, it felt like every second waisted was another moment were the father and daughter grew ferther and ferther apart. 

"Nanna! I'm home!" Iemitsu called as he burst thru the door almost instantly flipping Nanna's thoughts from depressing anxiety to overjoyed happiness at the sound of her absent husband finally coming home.

"Darling!" Nanna shouted as she nearly jumped into his arms, Iemitsu picked her up and spun her around before setting her on her feet to give her a deep kiss until the sound of a cough broke them apart. turning back to the door Nanna blushed as she noticed the pleasantly amused look on the face of an elderly man who she assumed was he husbands boss, the older man appeared to be in his sixties with greying hair and wise old brown eyes wearing a simple brown suit with a walking cane in his right hand.

"oh my, hello there, you must be mister Vongola, it's such a pleasure to meet you I'm Sawada Nanna" the elderly man smiled as he reached out to shake her hand.

"it's a pleasure to meet you miss Sawada, your husband has been telling me all about you and your wonderful daughter Tsunahime, please call me Nono" he insisted. just then Tsunahime came inside to check the time as she had been every half hour or so only to find the two strange men standing in the front entrance with her mother, one of them she recognized from the post cards he had sent and the few pictures her auntie had managed to take when they first met. Iemitsu was just as tall as he was in his photos though he looked to be growing out a beared while his blond hair was still buzz cut short and close to his head, she had no idea who the older man was but from what she had heard from her mother he must be her fathers boss.

"Tuna-fish!" was the only warning she got before her father picked her up off the ground and began spinning her in the air, thankfully he held her on his hip once he was done otherwise she would have fallen face flat on the floor from how dizzy she was. 

"hello there little Tsunahime, I'm Nono your fathers boss it's nice to meet you" the old man said softly as he smiled at her but Tsuna merely nodded her head slightly as she held tight to her father, the two men thought she was just being shy about meeting someone new but the truth was that poor Tsuna feared she would throw up if she tried to open her mouth. eventually Iemitsu set her down so they could all eat the lunch that Nanna had made before Tsuna was able to escape outside again to wait for one of her aunts servants to come get her for the party.


"ah Nanna, our daughter is getting more and more beautiful every time I see her" Iemitsu said with a sigh as the three adults sat at the kitchen table so they could speak to each other and watch Tsunahime as she played in the backyard with her ball. 

"she is an adorable little girl nana, you've done an amazing job raising her" Nono added as he turned his eyes from the happily playing six year old to the woman of the house.

"thank you Nono, I do wish I could take all the credit but tsuna has always been a very kind and caring soul" Nana replied with a soft smile as she thought of how kind tsuna had always been, even as a toddler when children were supposed to have some of their worst behavior little tsuna had been kind and compassionate to everyone. moon had been working with her to make sure tsuna knew that it was okay to say no and that she wasn't mean or rude if the little girl stood up for herself and her own wants from time to time.

"ah I'm so happy, a full week just to spend time with my beautiful wife and daughter, there's nothing better" Iemitsu sighed into his tea relaxing as he thought about the stress free week he was about to have, free from the dreaded enemy that was paperwork. 

"oh Iemitsu I must have forgotten to let you know but Tsuna is going to a birthday party for the next few days so it will just be you and me in the house" Nana said with a pleasant smile on her face not noticing the stiffening of both Iemitsu and his boss at the sudden news.

"is that so, well our little girl must have tons of friends so its not surprising for her to be invited somewhere, where exactly are they going for the party to take so long?" Iemitsu asked calmly trying not to let Nana see how much the prospect of his daughter being out of his sight while he was in japan was bothering him.

"oh well you remember Moon and River right sweety" Nana asked getting a slow nod from Iemitsu.

"yes the couple from Tokyo, I know they've been helping you out a lot since Tsuna was born but what do they have to do with this" he asked remembering the friends Nana had introduced to him a few months before they married. 

"well they have a daughter of their own now and it's her birthday tomorrow, Tsuna just loves the little darling and asked if she could sleep over at their house for a few days so they could spend the girls birthday together" Nana explained causing a great relief to sweep thru the two men who had been assuming the worst thanks to all of their experience dealing with the mafia.

"ah I see, well I guess we'll just have to make the most out of the days that we do have together" Iemitsu said with a sad but determined smile, after all he wasn't about to deny letting his little girl go spend time with her best friend just because he was home they would simply have to make due with the days they had.  

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