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I woke up like any other day. The sun was shining, the birds chirping their delightful melodies, and the few multicolored leaves swaying along with the branches, occasionally fluttering down in cool, crisp breeze of  September. I stepped out of my bed, my pink painted toe nails plopping on the purple, plush rug.

I clomped down the stairs, stretching my arms wide and yawning endlessly. Reaching the table, I noticed a small, yellow card sitting by a popping array of flowers, my favorite kinds. I smiled to myself, thinking it must be from my husband. I slipped a tulip out of the bouquet and admired the color and uniqueness of the flower. I unfolded the card to immediately drop the tulip in horror and surprise as I read the note.

"Mrs. Cooper,

I have been watching you recently. I know you've got two precious daughters and a dear son. I know you have the dream husband. I also know you've birthed a still child. And you know it was the result of disobedience. I'm always watching you, darling. I was arrested because of you. Now you will obey, or I will pluck your family from your life, one by one dying tragically, making you suffer 'til the breaking point. I will be as swift and unseen as a shadow.

Today's victim: firstborn
Task: meet me @  Dragwood street, 12:00 am sharp.

Once again, tell anyone, and I will slit her throat."


Horrified. The feeling I registered after realizing I will have to return to his servant, suffering with preforming gruesome tasks I must obey.

Again. And I knew he would not disappear until I finished his tasks.

Eleven TasksHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin