Twelve: Welcome back and today I have a dare for Ember and Elsa.

Pidge: Ok well then what's the dare?

Twelve: Well then it is simply going to be they have to tell their Paladins a secret but then the Paladins can't tell anyone else ok.

Ember: Ok if that's all Keith, Lance come on so we can tell you.

Keith, Lance, Ember and Elsa leave the room and go stand in the hallway with the door locked.

Lance: So what is the secret?

Elsa: Me and Ember are dating. Have been dating since the start of Voltron.

Lance: Is that why I find you to curled up in the hanger sometimes.

Ember: Yep, that's exactly why you find us like that.

Keith: Atleast that's why I felt drawn to the blue lion.

Lance: And when were you going to tell me about being drawn to my lion.

Keith: Well I could never get you alone without fighting, Hunk and Pidge would use it as fuel to ship us two, Shiro would want us to tell Allura or Coran, Coran would starting saying reasons why that we don't want to know about and Allura will look into it to much and keep pestering us about it which we don't need so yeah.

Lance: You do realise that when I start on you you should of just said it then  we also wouldn't be fighting as much but will be getting closer trying to figure out what is going on so yeah.

Elsa:As sweet as that was, Lance don't say you forgot this bonding moment this time, we need to get back in before Pidge starts coming up with even wilder theories as to what the secret is.

Ember: Yeah come on guys.

Keith, Lance, Ember and Elsa walk back into the lounge to hear Pidge stop mid sentence.

Elsa: I said she was coming up with theories.

Twelve: Anyways come on we need to continue this.

Hunk: Yeah I just want this to be over as soon as possible.

Twelve: Sorry Hunk but you have to wait until the next chapter to continue this game.

Thanks for reading~Twelve

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