2 (Before)

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        Just earlier this year, the US had finally paid off all of its debts owed to different countries around the world. We now work in unison with the greatest super power in the world to date, China. The vast majority of the American people are fluent in Mandarin and has no trouble watching broadcasts from the Chinese media on all of the happenings around the world. 

        Although the mental effects of The Devastation were starting to wear off, the globe was still suffering. Most people believed that through those series of events, the earth was simply restoring back her balance and healing her wounds. Still, it seemed as though very few common folk in America were content with letting nature take its course. Hurricanes, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, natural "disasters" period are all just the planet's response to tension. Some of the tension caused by man, some by nature herself. Man can't fight nature, she will always win. But man wants to control, government wants to control.

        "Mr. President, are you considering vetoing this plan of action to re-orb the earth"? Asked an eager and aged reporter. "Re-orbing the earth is the greatest proposal known to mankind. It is a chance for us to fix our wrongs; we have hurt this globe so much and have thrown it off balance, it is now time to place her back into the path of harmony. As the President of the United States, I believe I am making this choice for the people, it is a wise choice." President Summers spoke with a great certainty that would sway even the opposing parties; no one to this day has gone against his wishes, all the people were under his spell. The reporter's face glowed with delight, he knew his leader was correct, he had faith that he was doing the best for his country, the best for the world. "How long will it take for this plan to take effect?". President Summers tilted his head with a playful smirk that would warm up the heart of the devil and said "That is for us to know and you to find out." The crowd of bystanders, reporters, cameramen and government officials leapt into a roar of cheering. Everyone seemed pleased with his words, everyone.  The President turned his back and left the stage in a manner of confidence that was lacked by so many. The crowd watched in awe, zombie like almost.

        "Two months. I'll give it two months before we can execute phase one. By then, the residents of Utah can be evacuated, and all of our supplies will be in place." The three elitist scientists continued on into a detailed discussion about the Re-Orbing, which apparently is going to take place in a matter of weeks. It's pretty scary to think about the fact that these men believe they can control the fate of the world and will do everything in their power to attmept to do so, it's absolutely amazing. There is no room for me in this conversation, I'm just an intern, my opinion wouldn't matter to them at all. As much as I love working in this environment, I just don't agree with them. They all just seem to ignore the facts and consequences of this so-called Re-Orbing. "Miss Carey do you have something to say?" Dr. Mine spoke to me in the same tone one would use with a small child. I must have been staring.  "Miss Carey, it's nearly 9:00 and you have yet to show me the data from the..." "Yea...right on that!" I cut him off and swiftly exited the room.

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