Chapter 3- The Return Home

Start from the beginning

Despite the longing and the feelings she had for Caspian, she was too frightened to say anything to him. She did not want to lose the friendship if he did not feel the same. Nor did she wasn’t to be rejected. So she planned to wait for the right moment if that moment ever came. She could wait for him for as long as she needed.

Eventually she returned to camp after determining that nothing was out there. Exhaustion was taking over as she walked over to here Caspian had set up their stuff for the night. She was grateful that he had already laid out her bed for, for she was too tired to do it herself now. As she got closer, Caspian looked up from the book he was reading and smiled at her. She returned the smile half heartedly before plopping down beside him. She longed to roll over on her stomach and bury her face in the pillow Caspian had allowed her to borrow. It still smelled like him and she found that it helped her sleep.

“You a little tired there Lady Drisana?” Caspian mocked as she put her arm over her eyes to shield them from the light of the fire.

“That is an understatement my King.” She huffed. “Can you read to me?”

“I would love to.” He responded before flipping the page on his book as he began to read. Back before he was King they would take turns reading to the other every night. She missed the old days, when all they had to worry about was getting in trouble from Miraz. Their lives had been turned upside down with the birth of Caspian’s cousin. She only hoped things would settle down after a while.

Rustling around her told her that people were starting to gather around as Caspian continued to read. She smiled a little and rolled onto her good side, lucky she could face him. The night wore on and eventually Caspian let out a loud yawn causing Cora to usher everyone away so the King could sleep. She heard him close the book and place it back in his pack before settling down beside her. Her eyes stayed closed and she had to keep the smile from her lips as she felt him place his hand in hers before the darkness consumed her.


The arrival home was much more inviting than Drisana was expecting. The people were gathered in the town and very excited to see that their king was home safe with the majority of his army. After a day of dealing with the hot sun, her overheated, sweaty body and Caspian’s annoying excitement she finally walked into the town she called home. The sun had already begun its descent in the sky and the warm colors added to the affectionate welcome home. At the sight of the castle gates, Caspian ran forward and embraced a woman who met him half way. He picked her up and spun her around earning a bout of laughter from her.

“That’s Lady Ebony. This is the usual greeting.” Gareth tells her, popping up out of nowhere causing her to jump slightly. He laughed and put a sweaty arm over her shoulder.

“Lady Ebony, I would like to introduce Lady Drisana. She saved my life once again at the end of the battle.” Caspian explains as her and Gareth reach the pair of royals.

“Glad to finally meet you. Caspian speaks highly of you.” Lady Ebony says, enveloping her in a hug. She winced from the force of the hug but returned the gesture with a smile.

“Pleasure to meet you as well, I have heard nothing but good things about you.” Drisana replied looking between her King and his newest friend.  She was absolutely beautiful. Seeing her in person made it easy why Caspian had been attracted to her. Not only was she gorgeous but her aura glowed with warmth and kindness.

“Aw…Cas, you were bragging about me? You’re so sweet.” Ebony gushed, pinching his cheek. In response his cheeks turned crimson as he swatted her hand away from his face. Drisana laughed at the King’s embarrassment only causing his blush to deepen.

“Come on, let’s get you to the healers.” Caspian mutters, snaking his arm around her waist to support her weaker side. They got to the infirmiry eventually where her stitches were cleaned and she was told to stay put for the next day and a half. She grumbled about it but one stern glare from Caspian told her to sit tight. Lady Ebony was kind enough to sit with her until dinner arrived with Caspian. She barely made it through dinner before passing out, leaving the King and his friend to talk while she slept.

“You have that look in your eyes.” Ebony spoke after a few minutes of silence. Caspian was looking at Drisana with a looking his eyes that she had only seen in her younger years.

“What look?”

“The look my father used to give my mother.” She told him. He didn’t know what to say so he just went back to staring at her sleeping form. She watched him for another minute or two with a fond smile. There had been a time when she had hoped that the King would look at her in such a way but she had given up on that dream. “Do you love her?”

“I cannot say. She means more to me than I can comprehend, yet I am not sure I am ready to admit what it is I truly feel.” Caspian didn’t look away from the guardian as he spoke.

“You will in time, my friend.” Ebony stood from her spot and placed a lingering kiss on the King’s head. “It’s late. I am going to get some sleep.”

“Goodnight milady.” Caspian as she left, not even turning to watch her leave as he used to.

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