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You tore our happiness then placed the blame on my mother.
Her confidence destroyed by the way you talked to her.

Why did you leave?
Why did you cheat?
Why weren't you there when you were s'posed to be?
Werent you supposed to be there without missing a beat in this melody we call love.

That melody is now broken beyond repair.
The sweet sound it had now sounds like despair.

The nights we cried.
The tears we shed,
Trying to figure out all of your lies
The trust you had,
has now turned bad.

When you told us
The promises you made
Went up in smoke
I still hoped.

Slowly thay hope sizzled out
As reality hit.
I realized my happiness was a fantasy
world that wasn't true.

Your lies registered a new
Notion inside of me,

A notion called acceptance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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