Chapter 22: Runaway

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Your sing song voice sounded like music to his ears, and he thought for a second that you were actually an angel sent from god to help him. There's no way a voice like yours could belong in a worldly body.

"Oh, yes. Well, to put it rather bluntly, I have not slept in more than a fortnight. I'm losing my ability to rule as a result. I've tried almost everything. This was a last resort. Had I known that you were actually in the lagoon and not just a myth I would've come to you myself instead of sending my men for you. I'll be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. You certainly are much different than the witch I pictured. I wasn't even sure if you existed."

"I'm no witch," you said, somewhat indignantly. You pulled your hands from his grasp and held them to your chest, lower lip jutting out in annoyance. It was a common misconception people had. They always equated magic with some form of witchery. You tried to assure them you were no witch, but the label still stuck and the negative connotations of the words stung you.

"Ah, yes. Sorry to presume. What uh- are you, then, if I may ask?"

"Uh... well that I'm not sure of", you began, albeit unsure of how to answer. No one had ever asked you this question before. "I was born to a normal family, grew up normally, then one day I was bathing in the river and I ended up like this. From there I stopped aging, discovered I had some innate magic at my disposal, and that's really all there is to know. I've lived in the lagoon for the past few hundred years without much happening."

"That's quite a tale. Are the stories about you true, then? Can you help people, like myself, who are in need?"

"I can try my best, your highness. Just tell me what your wish is and I shall do my best to grant it." You promised, looking up to him with eyes filled with admiration.

"Well... I simply want a good night's rest. Nothing more..." He sighed, leaning back to sit on the side of his bed. He rubbed his eyes, feeling the large bags that he carried under them.

"That's a simple enough request, your majesty." You replied, adjusting yourself in your tank. "All you need to do is lay down when you are ready to rest and I can grant you your wish."

The relief in his eyes was obvious, and a small smile turned up the corners of his mouth. "That's all? Can it really be that easy?"

"It can," You nodded your head. You heard him chuckle aloud.

"Alright, then I shall waste no time. I will change and be back. But first, do you need anything? Some food? Fresh water? Clothes?"

"I'm afraid I would just get any clothes given to me all wet, King Toshinori. But thank you for the offer."

"It is the least I can do. I will be back in a moment, I suppose." He nodded, quickly going over and retrieving some night clothes out of his drawers. With another look at you, he pulled out an extra shirt and placed it near your tank. "Just in case you change your mind."

"Thank you, your majesty," You smiled back at him. He left immediately after, eager to change and get some sleep. He came back a few minutes later wearing nothing but soft pants and a robe. You blushed in embarrassment and turned away. Why wasn't he wearing a shirt? So indecent. You remembered you didn't have any room to talk considering you didn't even own any plain clothes.

The sun was just beginning to set outside the window as Toshinori removed his robe, hanging it on one of the posts of his enormous bed. You tried to subdue the blush you felt creeping into your cheeks at the sight of him without a shirt on, but you couldn't help the way your eyes widened in surprise. No matter how tired this man looked in his sleep deprived state, he still somehow had managed to keep a healthy body. There was no doubt the stories of him being the strongest man in the kingdom were true. As if his height wasn't overwhelming enough, he looked as if he had the strength of ten men. It was a wonder he could find clothes to fit him.

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