2. Deciding

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The storm that kept Chris awake that night wasn't even heard by October. She slept soundly, the melodic screams of Chris drowning out the thunder. Curled up in her bed, October sported earphones along with her camisole. Ever since Chris left she had been devouring album after album, even Motionless in White's EP's weren't safe from her curious ears. Eventually she came to the realization that she was a fan, a big fan, and the man who headed the band she had now come to love so dearly had been in her room earlier that same day. After a minor freak out October calmed herself down enough to sleep, her iPod clutched in her hand, Motionless in White's discography on repeat.

The next morning October skipped down the stairs to attend breakfast with the other children. She honestly couldn't wait for Chris to arrive later that afternoon. Taking a seat at the long, wooden table she was quickly served. The table of her and the thirty odd other children was relatively quiet until Timothy and Brynn piped up about the man who had come to see her the other day.

"Who was that tall man, Tober?" Tim asked

"We saw he went up to your room." Brynn added.

"He just wanted to talk to me, that's all." She said before popping a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

"He has tattoooooos!" Brynn said drawing out the word.

"Just like you, Tober!" Timothy was so proud he had made the connection.

"Yeah he did but he had a lot more than I did."

"Was he nice to you?" Miss Morgan asked refilling a child's glass of milk.

"He was very kind. He's in a heavy metal band and makes the kind of music I like. He's coming back today."

"He is?" Miss Morgan's eyes went wide. "But we aren't prepared for visitors." She glanced around at the dirty kitchen and a trail of toys that lead into the living room.

"It's okay. He won't judge, besides he's just coming to see me." October spoke around the bite of toast in her mouth.

"Well, I suppose you have a point." Miss Morgan sighed.

"Don't worry about it." October encouraged standing up with piece of toast she was eating. "Chris is cool. He lives with five other guys on a tour bus for, like, eight months out of the year so this place will seem like...heaven probably. Thanks for breakfast." October bounded up the stairs and back to her room.


"Now Chris, don't make any rash decisions here." Ricky began his lecture as Chris pulled on his jeans. "She's just a kid and we're touring for most of the year. What makes you think she'll wanna stay on a bus with us? She's a girl and we're guys. Don't you think she'll be uncomfortable?"

"Honestly, no. I don't." Chris said excitedly with a smile as he tightened his belt. "She's been all over Europe...to Egypt. She likes to travel. She's been in the same damn spot for most of her life. How would you feel? I think this will be good for her. We're leaving today...so I'm going to ask her." He pulled a shirt on and grinned repeating himself in a mumble. "I'm going to ask her."

"Hey, man. If it makes you happy and she wants it then I'm all for it." Balz piped up as he walked up behind Ricky. "Besides it would be nice to have a chic around to keep all the testosterone in check."

"I like it." Devin said popping his head out of his bunk. "Ultimately it's her decision so if she is cool with it then so am I." He gave a thumbs up.

"I say go for it, man." Angelo appeared behind Balz and crossed his arms.

The bus was silent for a minute before Chris yanked back the curtain on Ryan's bunk. "What do you say?"

Ryan turned to Chris and grunted in dissaproval.

"Well, your vote doesn't count anyway." Chris said making a face at him and closing the curtain. "I'm going to do it!" He hastily put on his shoes and exited the tour bus.

"Go get her, Chris!" Angelo cheered with a laugh.

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