Part 2

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"Hope?" I called as she faded away, noticing my legs were still working, "hope." I snorted a bit after, knowing it wasn't hopeFUL, but hopeLESS. I appraoched the area of Two-Leg place, slowing my pace down, and taking a deep breath, catching a whiff of fresh kitty-pet smell. I tracked it carefully, letting my nose guide, me once I felt I was within a foxlength, I jumped in a bush, looking around, my eyes narrowed. Then I heard a crunch as a plump grey tom entered the area where I was hidden. 

"Is this bird-dung!?" he growled, his eyes filled in discust as he shook a paw, I resisted a laugh. "No matter." he replied to himself, which I thought was hilarious. "Soon the plan will be over, and I will show those Wild-cats who's boss!"

Boss... I thought, wondering what the term meant. But I knew it was time to act. I slinked out of the bushes, purposely rustling leaves as I did so, a pleased emotion shot through me as I unsheathed my claws, "your own ThunderClan territory!" I snarled.

"So what if I am?" the stranger replied, I saw his claws come loose, and his eyes were cold as he faced me, his voice as cold as ice, "I'm going to take over the forest, he growled, as if he knew I was there all along, that made me shuffle,"just try and stop me."

Joining The Dark Forest (Blossomfall's Point of View) (Short Story!)Where stories live. Discover now