2) .A Wardrobe's Secret.

Start from the beginning

I woke in a cold sweat, the sun peaking through the curtains of my room, dimly lit since there are clouds covering it. It's going to rain and I know it.


I can tell the Pevensies are confused when I say nothing at breakfast. I'm sure Lucy is almost disappointed that I put my walls back up. However, I can't help it. My thoughts are occupied on the dream I had the night before. Why did he choose me?

"Tuesday," someone says, making me look up. Lucy's looking at me pleadingly, holding out a piece of toast. I give her a small smile and take it gladly, leaning back in my seat. I decide it's better to pay attention to the people around me rather than focusing on something that doesn't matter at the moment. I watch as Lucy gets up from the table and moves to the window with a sigh. "It's going to rain, isn't it?" she asks. As if on cue, a bolt of lightning strikes, lighting the sky and making Lucy jump away from the window in fear.

"Come away from there, Lucy," Peter chides. "We don't want you to get electrocuted now, do we?" 

With another sigh, she slumps into her seat, not even laughing at Peter's joke. The two of us share a look. What can I possibly do to make her feel better? It's almost like my dream, though she looks sad instead of frightened. Slowly, a smile appears on my face.

"I bet that I can guess more origins of words in the dictionary than any of you can." 

Lucy immediately perks up. "I'm the best at that!"

"I bet not," I call back with a laugh. "I probably know every single word in the dictionary." 

Lucy giggles uncontrollably making any guilt in my stomach disappear. Peter sighs playfully, rolling his eyes.

"I guess we all have to play then, don't we?" Susan nodded enthusiastically while Edmund just puts his head in his hands.

"Come on, Edmund," Lucy pleaded. "It will be fun." She drew out the last word, making Edmund get slightly annoyed but he breaks.

"Fine," he groans. "But only for a little while."


"Alright, Tuesday," Susan calls, flipping through the dictionary in her hands. "Excogitate." 

I almost laugh. That's an easy one "Latin," I say smugly. That gives me another point which means I'm ahead of everyone else by almost ten points. I can tell everyone is getting bored, however, including me. Words are interesting, but only stay that way for a short bit.

"Alright then, Peter," Susan continues on. "Gastrovascular." Peter says nothing and I look over at him. He's looking at me and quickly looks away again. I wonder why, but I don't put very much thought into it. "Come on, Peter," Susan sighs. "Gastrovascular." He leans back, thinking for a moment.

"Is it Greek?" he asks. 

Susan shakes her head.

"It's Latin," I answer correctly for him.

"Is it Latin for 'worst game ever invented'?" Edmund complains. 

I turn and shoot him a dirty glare. Susan shuts the dictionary with a loud snap and also glares at her brother. He sits up and holds his hands level his his head in innocence. Does he really have to be so rude? 

Lucy turns from the window to look at the four of us. "What about a game of hide and seek?" she wonders. 

Peter sighs, draping himself over the couch. "But we're already having so much fun." He draws out the word like Lucy had previously, making me laugh slightly.

Kind and Brave // Tales of the Traveling Queen Book 1Where stories live. Discover now