"........No......as long as you stop flirting with me.....and stalking me..."

"You noticed?"

"Yes.....that whole time we were away from the base you had a clone follow us."

"Hm and I thought I was hidden pretty damn well."

"Well you weren't."

"Now....back to business...I will stop flirting and stalking you if you kiss me back and mean it."

"Fine......No telling anyone about this?"

"Damn I was hoping I could boast about it."

(3rd Person POV)

Hidan leaned in towards Izuka while she stood their unmoving ready to get it over with. In one swift move Hidan's lips were on Izuka's. Hidan grabbed Izuka's arms and put them around his neck and put his hands on her waist pulling her closer deepening the kiss. Izuka returned the kiss grasping his hair trying to close enough space between them. Hating to admit it, Izuka actually liked the kiss.

Hidan pulled away giving them air but he moved to her neck trailing up and down the side unfortunately causing her to let out a low moan. He smirked as he noticed Izuka shiver in delight. Hidan's lips went right back onto Izuka's making her smirk kissing him back. Both Hidan and Izuka were getting too caught up in kissing to realize that they were already on the bed. Hidan took off the shirt that he was wearing and kissed down and up her neck again back to her lips. Izuka's eyes snapped open realizing where this was all going. She pulled away from Hidan making some space between them.

"We *pant* took it too *pant* far....." Izuka said out of breath.

"Yeah.....but that was *pant* amazing...you're a good kisser. Too bad *pant* we didn't go further." Hidan said with a smirk.

"This was wrong......I shouldn't have agreed to this....Hidan.....I'm sorry....I only agreed to this because you were....a rebound for me....I was using you..."

Izuka looked at Hidan. His face held a little sign of hurt but he looked fine.

"A rebound huh?" He muttered not really upset about it.

"Yeah.......I'm so sorry..."

"What happened?"


"What happened to your ex? Did we take you away from him?"

Izuka was surprised that Hidan actually cared, or he was getting more information from her.

".......No.....When Orochimaru's follower captured me........he came to rescue me but was.....killed....I couldn't do anything about it......" Izuka said sadly.

"I know that saying sorry won't change anything so I won't say it.....but I will say that....dying is part of life and we all lose important people.....When I first saw you the first thing I noticed was your eyes......They held so much experience but also pain.....Even now I see pain....You've lost more than one person in your life....Your emotions are bottled up which many think is strong but it's not. It makes you even more vulnerable.....you're unstable and could break down any minute.....it takes a true shinobi to shed tears....they're the strongest...."

"Wow Hidan......I never knew you could be so......wise...."

"I'm not always an ass,"

"I think we should get back to the party......they'll be wondering where we are and jump to conclusions...."

"Well their conclusions would've been right if someone didn't stop."

"Let's go.....it's really quiet out there."


Hidan and Izuka leaved Hidan's room and went into the living room only to see everyone passed out......well Tobi was sleeping since he didn't have any Sake....only apple juice. Itachi was nowhere to be found in the living room so he must be in his own room.

"Well.....I'm going to take the rest of the Sake and get wasted in my room. See ya....oh and....happy birthday." Hidan said collecting the drinks.

Izuka left the living room and headed to her own room but as she reached her door a hand grasped her wrist pulling her into another room. The door quickly closed shut....Izuka sensed a presence and it was Itachi's....the room was dark but she could see his glowing eyes of the Sharingan.

"What do you want?!" Izuka asked coldly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Itachi questioned angrily.

"Tell you what?"

"The curse mark......you never told me about it."

"Because I had to keep it a secret. No one was supposed to know about it."

"I was your best friend! We never kept secrets from each other!"

"Was emphases on was. And while we're talking.....Why did you save me?! I didn't need help from you!"

"He was going to kill you."

"So? Why does it matter to you?!"

"You're too young to die."

"Coming from the bastard who tried to kill me five years ago!"

Itachi was silent.

"You have no idea how bad I want to kill you right now......You put me through so much... Both me and Sasuke went through so much just because of you!"

"Where were you and Hidan?" Itachi questioned changing the subject.

"What?! No don't you dare change the subject on me. We're talking about that night not this night!"

"It was strange that the both of you just disappeared while everyone was distracted."

"Why do you even care?! Why am I here even talking to you?! I'm leaving."

Izuka turned around and walked towards the door leaving Itachi standing in the middle of his room watching her leave. It was a good thing that it was dark in the room or else Izuka would've seen his face that showed sadness.

So what did you think of that little moment?? lol i just had to put that part in there i just wanted to spice up the story :P

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