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For the first time since Barry had been presumed dead, Caitlin was laughing and smiling and hopeful. Hopeful for their unborn baby, hopeful for Madeline, hopeful for life.

"Happy birthday to you!" She sang with the crowd of her daughters extended family.

Iris, Cisco, Milo, Amanda, Joe, Billie, Stephanie, Wally, Jesse and Rosalie sleeping in her little stroller.

Mads sat in front of the Flash cake grinning pigtail to pigtail. "Now, mommy?" She said bouncing with excitement.

Cisco nods then he leans behind her helping her blow the candles out.

Cisco claps loudly and the rest of the team did as well. They all cheered along with her and Caitlin snaps a few pictures "come on, someone get me the knife" she lowers her phone onto the table then proceeds to cut the cake.

"How's momma doing?" Iris asked and she motions to her stomach with a smile. Surprisingly with Barry gone and nobody else to turn to she and iris had become fast friends.

"Uh.. I actually opened the little envelope and found out it's a boy" the table explodes with congratulations and Caitlin beams, letting her hand rest on her small belly.

She couldn't help but feel a bit lost that Barry wasn't here to witness this but wherever he was she hoped he'd be safe.

"Got any names?" Billie asked then he hands Madeline the piece of cake. She stares at the ginger a growing grin on her lips then she nods and takes the knife.

"Lucas" it was a confident answer, it made her proud and she knew it would have made Barry proud. She continues to cut the different slices of cake for the guests when Amanda pulls Cisco off to the side, near some trees.

"hey..." she said slowly then her hands cane together nervously. "Hey.." he said with a small dimpled grin "what's on your mind?" He puffs his chest out jokingly then she looks at him seriously.

"Trevor's back..." she said softly. His smile drops gradually then he put his hands on his hips. He had a worry filled expression on his face as he stared at her "wait... Trevor that put you in the hospital, Trevor? Trevor that you ran away from Trevor?"

Amanda gave a hesitant nod, the knots forming quickly in her stomach "what- what do you mean? How is he back didn't this guy get life in prison?"

She shakes her head quickly then she looks down "he- he got parole or something. I don't fucking know... but he wants to see me and Milo-"

"No way in hell" Cisco glances to the party then he lowers his voice figuring the children shouldn't hear this language "no way.. I'm not letting you in the same building as that psychopath" he touched her arm trying to show that he was nothing like her ex and she shrugged it off with a sharp inhale.

"Look Cisco, I don't wanna see him either but I have to. He's milos father..." she began tripping over her words as she spoke quickly "..and his PO will make sure he doesn't drink and if he gets a job he can-"

Cisco cuts her off again by gently touching her cheeks "listen to me. You deserve better. You deserve someone who will treat you much better and will love you and your son, okay?" She kept her eyes on his then she finally sighs and shook her head to break the intense eye contact.

"Someone like who?"

Cisco furrows his brows once, his chin lifts ever so slightly as if asking If she really didn't know. she blinks looking him up and down, finally realizing who he meant but there was loud music breaking their attention.

Cisco drops his arms from her face as she walks to the sound, Madeline was on the bounce house with Milo.

Cisco looks down as his phone buzzed then he puts it to his ear "hello?"

Static rang through his ears loudly and he jerks the phone away with a muttered curse word. Amanda looks back at him confused "what is it? Are you okay?" He glances at her face then he nods and hung the phone up "yeah... I'm good. Let's go join the others"

He glances to her face for a few more seconds then he sighs softly and walks over to Caitlin. Cisco plops on the wooden bench where she sat then he closed his eyes letting the painful rejection wash past his features.

Friends. That's all they were. Plus she had a kid. Not that Milo changed his mind about how he felt about Amanda but whatever-

His thinking was interrupted by Caitlin getting a phone call. She put it to her ear, still grinning from watching Jesse and Wally with their daughter "hello?"

The violent static again, her brows furrowed tightly on her forehead then she put it on speaker and laid it on the table. "Get me a napkin and a pen please."

Cisco looks at the phone then he stood to get the stuff "why do you need this? It's probably just a prank call with stupid teenagers.."

He listened to the static cutting in and out rhythmically. "What teenagers do you know that know Morse code?" She looks up at his face expectantly then he hands her the napkin and pen.

He plops back down next to her and she maps out the lines and dots as the static came in. Her intelligence never ceased to amaze him. Especially now.

Caitlin drops her pen and she took a slow inhale before a smile rested on her face. Cisco look between her and the paper "what- what's it say?"

The static continued clicking on the phone, long clicks then just a half second long.

"Help me" Caitlin whispers.

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