Chapter 25

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This is the last chapter :( read the next part for more info!

Bay's POV:

I woke up and went downstairs. Daphne was sitting at the table eating toast. She looked up at me.

Daphne: "good morning!...hungry?"

Bay: "No...Where's John and Kathryn?"

Daphne: "John's working and Kathryn is with Toby shopping for something"

Bay: "oh"

Daphne: "'s just us and Regina...what do you want to do?"

Bay: "nothing"

Daphne: " know I'm sorry!...I really did mean it!"

Bay: "I don't care if you meant it or not!...all I care about is that you threatened my boyfriend, causing him to break up with me!"

Daphne: "it was stupid, I know!"

Bay: "do you still have feelings for him?"

Daphne: "a little"

Bay: (mad look) "just...don't talk to me!"

I walked out and started heading to my art studio when suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and saw Emmett smiling.

Emmett: Hey!

Bay: (sadly) "hey"

Emmett: what happened?

I wasn't going to tell him but I promised him I would tell him when something was wrong.

Bay: "Daphne tried apologizing...again...but I can't forgive her!"

Emmett: you just need time to forgive, who's home?

Bay: "Regina, Daohne and me!...why?"

Emmett: does that mean I can take you for the day?

Bay: "Sure! why not?"

Emmett: let's go!

we got on the bike and drove to his house, once we got there, we went to his room.

Bay: "is your mom home?"

Emmett: no...she's out with Gabe

Bay: "oh"

Emmett: (laughs) what's wrong?

Bay: "nothing...I just didn't want to be rude"

Emmett: how are you being rude?

Bay: "by not saying hi!"

Emmett: (laughs) it's ok! me!

Bay: (looks around then back at Emmett) "so...what do you want to do today?"

Emmett: stay with you!

Bay: (laughs) "of course....hey, how about we go to the park?"

Emmett: ok!...but let's eat first

Bay: "ok!"

We went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Daphne's POV:

I wat hed Bay leave with Emmett, how could I screw up so bad? Bays like a sister to me. I cleaned up and went to my room, as I was walking there, Regina waved to get my attention.

Regina: "Daphne!...what's wrong?"

Daphne: "Bay still won't forgive me!"

Regina: "give her time! me!"

Daphne: "she left with Emmett"

Regina: "ya, I heard the motorcycle and assumed she was...are you sure your ok?"

Daphne: "ya...I'm fine...I think I'm going to take a nap"

Regina: " ok!...let me know if you need anything"

I walked to my room and closed the door. I can't believe what a horrible thing I did, what drove me to do that? all I knew was that I wanted to make it up to Bay and Emmett.

I laid down and slowly fell asleep.

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