A Kiss?

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"Today we will be working in the water" The always tired hero announced.
Ugh swim suits? I thought as we walked into the locker room. Everyone was chatting while I walked into a bathroom stall. I looked at my self. Cuts occupied my arms and thighs. I should really start eating less I reminded myself. I took a quick peek out of the tiny bathroom. Everyone was changing into the quite revealing bathing suit. Luckily they had two types of swim suit I had chosen the full body suit to hide my hideous figure.
"Everyone chose a partner. Denki you're not allowed to use your quirk." The tired teacher yawned.
In a spilt second everyone already had a partner.
"Great I'm the outcast already"
I sighed and looked at everyone starting to spar. Then a spiky haired figure came marching towards me.
"OI CLAWMARK SPAR WITH ME" the loud and annoying boy yelled"
" what choice do I have Kacchan " I grumbled.
We were 10 minutes in and I was at a slight advantage. I kept dodging his punches trying to build up my energy.
"Do you ever stop yelling? ..... Daemonium Aqua."
A huge monster made of water burst out from under neath us and snatched the raging boy up. I was so caught up in the fight I forgot about everyone around us. All eyes were on me as people started whispering.
Hey isn't that the monster from an attack 3 years ago? Was she a villain. That monster is terrifying. I'm glad I didn't pair up with her.

I looked around and anxiously commanded the blue demon to set the porcupine down. Aizawa walked into the pool area and finally stopped our training.
"Times up go change " he tiredly instructed.
I hid out in a shower stall waiting for them to leave. I peeked my head out and saw nobody so I crept to my locker and quickly change back to my terrible uniform. I quickly walked out while pulling my skirt down a little.
"Why do they have to make-
I was suddenly pushed against a quite hard wall.
"Argh let go of me!....wait Izu has a quirk?!"
All his yelling made me shake. Just like old times. Then something weird happened his whole attitude changed as if he was put in a trance or something. His mouth glided by my yet to be marked neck. I felt something wet between my upper thighs.

Oh no....

"Kacchan let go of me!"
Me asking this only made his grip on my scarred waist tighter.
"Let go of me! "
"Save your voice for later.." he growled.
I started kicking at his shins and hitting his chest but atlas it didn't do a thing.

"Bakugou I believe she said let her go."
Bakugou grumbled and let me go, walking off to who knows where. I looked up and was face to face to a pair of blue and brown eyes.
"Todoroki! T-Thanks"
"No problem " muttered the split haired boy.
"Are you okay though? He didn't mark you with are permission did he?"
"No. It was my fault though I let my scent slip" I started rambling apologies but was cut off by him.
"(Y/N) it's not your fault "
After that we walked to my dorm in silence.
"Thanks for walking me here" I stood on my tippy toes and pecked his cheek. He turned around not wanting me to see his cute little blush. He then turned and pulled me into a more passionate kiss. I melted into the intoxicating kiss while I wrapped my arms around his neck. All caught up in the moment his mouth glided to my neck, sucking and softly nibbling on it. He quickly pulled away after realizing what he did...
".......I-I'm I'm sorry (Y/N). I should leave before something happens.

I closed my door and waited till I thought he walked off. I slowly slid down the dark door and buried my face into my hands.
"Arghhh I'm such an idiot.... I should've asked him on a date or something.

<Todorokis POV>
My heart pounded against my chest. Did that really happen..? I-it did! Dammit! I should've asked her out!!
666 words Satan is that you?

My CandyCane ( Todoroki x Depressed(?) reader) : omega verse Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora