Chapter 13: Start of Fun

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Next Day
|POV: Sakishima Shin|


*Click* *Click*

"Hrmm....Tch...How do I?!?"

I scratch my head in frustration.

"This damn problem! This is why I hate math!!"

It's a weekend and I'm doing homework. Hah. I take online classes, no need for people to teach me. Hmph. Going to school and talking to people, what a waste of time.

"Urk. I need a break."


I changed out and went outside for some fresh air.

I wandered around until my stomach grumbled, so I searched for a place to eat.

"Hmm...Ah..." I read a sign just above me.

Ta...Takemaru? Sounds weird...

I sniffed the air and a sweet smell seemed to be drifiting out from the shop.

Attracted by the smell I went in.

"Ah Welcome!" A voice greeted me in.

"H-Hello..." I replied.

I look around and I see many types of sweets. Mochi, Caramel, Red bean paste, and more.

Just looking at them made my mouth drool.

"Anything you like?" The young looking lady asks me.

"Ah...No just looking."

"Oh no! Look at the time. I have to get going. Yukiho! Come down and watch the store for me! Mama has something to do!"

"HAI!" I heard a reply come from upstairs.

The lady comes from behind the counter and approaches me.

"Sorry. If you need anything just talk to my daughter."

"Ah yeah..."

And like that she left, soon the girl called "Yukiho" had come down and taken her mother's spot.

I wandered around for bit and I ended up buying a red bean paste mochi and some caramel sweets.

As soon as I left the shop I immediately scrambled to eat the food I bought.

I pull out the red bean paste mochi and take a bite.


It's really good!

I shove my face into it leaving no trace of it behind. Then I ate a piece of caramel candy and it was astonishing as well.

I should go there more often.

Walking down the road home I continue to munch on the jackpot of sweets I acquired.

Snow Resort
|POV: Sonoda Umi|

"YAY THE SNOW NYA~" yelled the very excited Rin.

"Snoooooow!! Ahaha!!" Honoka jumps in the pile of snow and creates a snow angel.

"Geez Honoka-chan. Don't just dive in like that." The red head crossed her arms, but it looked as if she wanted to join in as well.

"You call that a snow angel?! I'll show you the nico-nico way to make one! HAH!" Nico flops face forward into the snow.

"Ouch. That must've hurt. Her boobs might've gotten flatter." Again with Nozomi saying stuff about the breasts; though at least she isn't groping them.

"Awawa. The pile of snow looks like a pile of rice!!" Even the shy Hanayo jumps in with the rest.

"They look like a bunch of kids. Hehe. Looks really fun though." Eri seemed really tempted to join them, her legs were shaking and she couldn't stop smirking.

"If you want to join Eri, why don't you just—"


"KYA—" I face plant into the cold white sheets.

I pick my self up and shake the snow off my head.

"Gotcha! Hehehe~" Kotori popped her head out.

"Geez Kotori." I scold her.

Everyone bursts out in laughter.

And that was the start of our day at the resort.

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