"It's too dangerous," Jake yells.

"I'm not letting Sam die," I tell him. There was a seriousness in my tone and Jake lets go of my arm.

"But you're risking your own life," Aaron calls out.

"For the boy I love," I call over my shoulder. I can hear them screaming my name as I enter into the smoke filled house.

I keep low and once again navigate myself through the house. My eyes burn and my throat aches from the ash in the air. The fire was now lapping at the ceiling and I know I don't have a lot of time. I find the stairs and quickly go up them.

"S-Sam, Sam," I shout as I turn the corner into his room. The alarm was still blasting and I wondered how he couldn't hear it. I push the door open and walk into his room. It was a little cooler in there but only because his window was wide open.

I see his small figure sitting up in bed. The sheets were wrapped around his face, trying not to breath in the smoke. I reach him and grab his arms pulling him up.

"C-Colby," Sam stutters out. I could tell he has been in here for too long. I cough as I try to talk to him. He's dragging his feet, he's too slow. We have to get out of here.

"We've gotta... go," I couldn't talk without coughing.

More smoke filled his room and the ground beneath my sock covered feet was getting hot. I pick Sam up and throw him over my shoulder. His body is limp against mine and I pray he doesn't pass out or anything.

Getting downstairs wasn't that hard even with Sam over my shoulder. Seeing was the hard part. The smoke was thick and dark. My eyes were burning so bad I wanted to close them. But I had to get us out of here. I turn left towards the front door. The fire was making its way towards the stairs. I run to the door but it's closed. I grab the handle and instantly regret it. It's steaming hot.

"Ahhh," I scream out in pain. I hold my hand close to my chest. Shots of pain erupted under my skin. It hurt to so bad.

Suddenly it was like I couldn't breath anymore. Too much smoke had filled my lungs. I'm gasping for air and banging on the door with all my might. This wasn't how I pictured the way I would die. Sam was getting heavy in my arms and I set him down.

His eyes are open slightly as he watches me try to open the door again. But it's not budging. I kick and bang against it but still nothing. I crouch down next to Sam and pull him close. The fire was getting so close, if the smoke doesn't cut off our air first, the fire will definitely consume us.

"Sammy," I croak out. I run my hands through his soft blonde hair. He's clinging to me tightly as he struggles to breath.

"I love y-you."

That was the last thing I said before blacking out.


The cool air and the smell of disinfecting wipes woke me up. Bright lights were over top of me and I struggled to open my eyes. I licked my chapped lips and swallowed hard against my raw throat. Am I not dead?

"Hey buddy," a gentle voice said. I stir awake and roll my head to the side the voice was coming from. With the lights not right on top of me, I open my eyes.

Corey was sitting in a chair next to the bed I was on. His clothes are matted with ash and he smells faintly of smoke.

"W-water," I struggle to get out. My voice was raw and rough but Corey understood me. He grabs a cup on the table and places it against my lips. I swallow the liquid, enjoying the soothing effect it had on my throat. But then it was gone.

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