
Day 139: Okay...

Diary, what did I do wrong? They should here by now, right?
Are they mad at me? Is Lucy mad at me?

I want to tell her I'm sorry but...I can't move from this place.
Lucy! Can you hear me out there?! I've been calling you all day!
Lucy please...I love you. I miss you so much, I just...I'm sorry.

No, I can't be sad. It's just taking a long time. Lucy still cares, everyone still cares. I know they do.

Lucy, can you hurry up maybe? I'm getting REALLY lonely. Please? Thank you?

I'll be tough! I promise!

~ Emmet, Your special best friend.


Day ???: Should I even care?

I lost track of the days already...
Been well over a year, still nothing.

Lucy, I'm sorry. I know you're mad...but I know you still care. You have to! Lucy...please...

I know I'm not tough enough...

I know I'm weak...



I realize that now. I'm just...nothing.
I can finally be something of you come back for me! I promise!

Maybe I should have been better prepared before coming to save you...that was my mistake, I'm sorry.

I hope that even if you're having so much fun...you're still thinking about me.

~ Emmet, but tougher. I swear.

Day: 731

Happy new year...I watched Christmas pass by...again.
My friends seemed to be having fun. Lucy did too.
I saw this guy with her...you think she has a new boyfriend?

He's tougher than me, right?

Poor, soft Emmet. All alone because he wasn't tough enough. He's worthless.

I uh...
I wanna punch him so hard. I wanna...break something. I wanna see it explode into pieces! Can I just move to do that?!
Can I please move?!

I don't wanna live like this anymore!
If I could just die I would!


Gotta go...


Day: 879

I've been thinking, maybe no one cares.
That's the only reason they never came back right?

They don't care.

I bet they never cared. They hated me to begin with.

They never liked me. Lucy never loved me.

I'm nothing. I know that now.
I was once the special, but that doesn't matter anymore. We're long past that.

I think I overheard Finn talking to his mom about college courses.
Growing up already huh?
That's my boy...not that he remembers I was his favorite anyway.
I look back and remember when I was happy, with Lucy and the others. When everything seemed so dark and depressing, I was always smiling

I can't...remember what that feels like.
I'm kind of...forgetting things.

Diary, you remember how happy I was right? What was it like? Did it feel...nice? Did my energy annoy you like it did everyone else? Well...at least I still have you.
You haven't forgotten me like the others, and I'm...I'm sorry for all the tear stains on your papers. I'm trying to be tough and not cry so much.

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