Chapter 1 - The only Chapter.

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This tiny creature, started worming it's way up my silky smooth arm. It was green, hairy and yet unknown to our species of man kind. It felts funny and odd. I desperately wanted to know more about this creature and this creation of god, yet I couldn't. I longed for more, but sitting here curled up in the corner of the dark room was boring. I needed to do more, I needed to find how to get out and this creation might be the start to many wonderful and possible adventures. If this was it I needed to keep this creature close to me and watch it with my watchful owl-like eyes.

The room, of which I had been kept in for years on end, was dark It had rotten floor boards, many of which where either rotten or broken and screws sticking out. The roof was leaking, It had no windows on the wall. Many people take life for granted. I longed for a normal life and not being locked away like a caged bear, no-one does. I saw something glimmer under my mattress and remember being told very familiar words.

I climbed over to the mattress on the floor, covered with lice and reached underneath, grabbed a small weird object. I scrambled back over and placed my back gently onto the grimy wall and looked inside the mysterious object. It was small, silver and had some designs including floral and heart, I turned it over and read the back, something was engraved into it. I had to squint to read it but it said "look for the caterpillar, it'll help you through thick and thin".

What did that mean?

This creature was now half way across the room.

That must be a cat-er-pill-ar.

That night, we escaped, I will never forget how the caterpillar saved my life. I am eternally grateful.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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