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lost stars

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lost stars

the smell was back and everyone spent their night watching the play, yet iris and luke, helena's boyfriend, decided to get drunk together. in the moment, it seemed like a good idea. but they didn't realise after that night they would feel ever-so-guilty for their actions. iris and luke were childhood friends, they had known everything about each other. luke had been one of the only few people there for iris when her parents and sister had died in a tragic robbery at the bank they had been in, armed men with masks and duffle bags. fourteen injured, six killed. she supposed that they had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. the only illegal activities her parents took part in was dealing drugs. they didn't participate in the taking of drugs, but they had sold. her parents had worked outside the city, they were high-class businessmen, so no one found it suspicious that they had thousands, nearly millions of dollars stacked upon one another.

in this very moment, iris had been sat on top of luke's legs, straddling the drunken teenage boy. her arms around his neck, lips moving perfectly with lust along with his own. the usual sports jacket that he had worn had now been on the floor beside the bed along with her pants and his shirt. she had been craving for this kind of touch much longer than she would care to admit. the last time she had been with anyone, it had been almost nine months ago with her ex-boyfriend, campbell eliot.

campbell eliot had been one of the very few guys she had truly fallen for, and everyone had known that. no one was particularly fond of the campbell boy, but that didn't stop iris from seeing the best in him, until she no longer could. she saw right through his facade, she knew all of the good, along with the bad. she knew she had been in an abusive and toxic relationship when he got mad at her for every little thing, even put his hands on her and repeatedly left bruises on her. sometimes, he had even left scars. the only person who had known of the abuse was luke. she wouldn't have told him unless he hadn't of already assumed what was happening. he saw the bruises, and he noticed the rather strange behaviour coming from the girl.

a soft, quiet moan left iris' lips as teenager had begun sucking on her neck, her hands squeezing tight locks of his short hair. his hands had been travelling up her shirt, caressing her body. throughout the years of them being friends, this was not the first time this had happened between the two. before helena and luke had gotten together, iris had spent many nights in this bed, naked and committing what some would call a sinful act but also something others would call normal, with luke. it would be a lie to say that she no feelings for the boy, and it would be a lie for luke to say he never had feelings for the girl.

about two hours had passed, and they had now been exhausted and out of breath, laying down next to each other, their bare legs wrapped around each other's. she felt his entire front body pressed up against hers. "we shouldn't have done that," luke had been the first drunken teenager to speak up for the first time in two hours, excluding the moans and whimpers of iris' name leaving his lips.

"although," the webber girl spoke up, her voice raspy as though she had just woken up from a deep slumber. "it felt so good. i have been craving something like that for months, luke. i cannot stress that enough."

"helena is going to kill me- kill us, iris." luke said, worried, but his head was resting on the pillow with his eyes closed, steadily breathing, and iris' head was laid on luke's bare chest, his hand brushing through her nice long hair.

iris sighed at the mention of the girl she had greatly betrayed, "that's if she finds out, luke. we don't have to tell her. this was just something that happened on accident by two kids who had a little bit too much to drink."

truth be told, halfway through having sex with iris, the alcohol's affect on luke had worn away. he refused to admit it, though. iris had made him felt something he hadn't felt since before him and helena had gotten together. he felt some sort of way about her.

the two had slowly fallen asleep in each other's arms, for thick comforter above their naked bodies, giving them the extra warmth they didn't necessarily need, due to the bodily heat radiating off of one another. the girl felt safe falling asleep in his arms- she felt safe around him since before she could remember. the two laid there fast asleep, unbeknownst of the tragedy that was to come. they didn't know that they may never see their families again with no way out. they would have realised they couldn't trust anyone but themselves soon enough.

at first, i honestly was just making this into a harry bingham fic, but there are literally no fics about my baby luke, and that broke my heart. so what better than to make a mf love triangle! i'm sorry for doing my girl helena dirty like this;(

also, lol sorry that this was very vulgar!

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