"S/n?" I ask the girl who was facing the other way

She tuned around and that's when it hit me

My best friend stood In front of me crying her eyes out.

I gasp asking her "What's wrong S/n?"

She looked up at me saying "I've lost Y/n and Draco I walked away from them when they where talking."

I was a bit taken back when she said Y/n as with Malfoy but I didn't want too question it any further just in case it would upset S/n even more than she is.

"S/n you know what. You can come back with me and stay in my tent and calm down a bit then we'll go find her okay?" I say to her leading her towards my tent

She smiles up at me and says "Thanks Ginny!"

While we where walking I started trying too take her mind off things by saying about The Quidditch World Cup and about how her summer has been so far.

We eventually made it too my and my family's tent

We walked in and I walked S/n over too the couch and told Dad about what had happened and he said that it was fine she stayed and also we could both go and look for Y/N.

I also went and got a cloth from the kitchen
and gave it too S/n so she could wipe her eyes

We sat and chatted for a bit it was all happy until I accidentally mentioned Y/n and Draco I asked 'Why are you and Y/n with Malfoy?'

She gave me a blank look and got a moment I thought she was going too start crying again so I said quickly " It's fine you don't need too answer me, Sorry. It just... Kind of.... slipped out?"

She looks at me and says "No it's fine, Y/n and Draco have been acting weird lately. During the ride to the Port Key they kept glancing at each other."

"Also not too mention when we where walking up the steep hill to get too the Port Key Y/n tripped and nearly fell on her face but Draco caught her in his arms they stayed like that until I called upon them too hurry up."

I gave her a confusing look

"When we where out Pansy came up too us both and started making fun of us and Draco basically saved us for having a huge fight!"

"That's when Y/n and Draco where having a conversation and I wandered off and got lost..."

A single tear escaped S/Ns eye and rolled down her cheek she quickly wiped it away and said with a cheeky grin "I think Y/n and Draco have a crush on each other~"

I gave her a 'Are You Mental' look

"Really? You think they like each other!?!?!"  I ask not convinced

She giggled at my expression and said "Well when you see for yourself  the looks they give each other you'll think the same~"

I was still not convinced about the whole situation but I couldn't deny it wasn't a possibility that it could be true...


"Well, Anything else Ginny???" Ron says stubborn like

I didn't want too make the boys more upset they might go say something too S/n or Y/n so I told a white lie only a tiny one.

"Not that I can remember.." I say quickly

Hermione looked like she didn't believe me but everyone else looked past my quick talk and left the subject alone.

I knew Hermione probably wouldn't drop the subject but I could also tell she didn't want too anger or upset the boys anymore than they already are.

So we began too get our merchandise and started heading up the massive hill to get to the Quidditch stadium.

While we where walking up the huge hill I thought

Ive got a bad feeling about tonight....

Word count~ 1,109

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