Turn To God

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  • Dedicated to my family

*true story* *happened just this past summer*

   When I found out my dad had advanced prostate cancer I was a mess. He got flown out to Illinois within a week of finding out. I knew it was serious and had to be taken care of fast. Both of my parents went out the first time for a week. The second time my dad went out my brother went with him, and the third time someone could go out with him we all went, but we drove instead of flying.

    It took thirteen hours to get there, but I'm glad we went. I met so many amazing, religious, funny, and awesome people there. The staff was was always full of energy and cheered you up in any way possible. Westayed for two weeks, and those two weeks flew by. We had about three days left to stay teh day i heard my mom crying on the phone. When I found out what was wrong I was devastated.

   My mom told me to call my pap to tell him to stay at our house that an emergency vet was coming. At first I thought something was wrong with my pap but when i heard about the emergency vet I knew something was seriously wrong with my dog Bullet, I started crying as soon as I knew what happened to him.

   Bullet got something called Flystrike, its known for taking down livestock within twelve hours and my dog had it for atleast seventy-two, I thought for sure he was going to die. Flystrike is when maggots burrow in an animals skin (for a better explaination google it). I prayed that if God was going to take the best and most caring and loving friend I ever had away from me, that I could just say good bye first. When I told my mom this she cried and cried and cried and told the vet we wanted the surgery done to save him. The surgery cost over $400 not including the bills for the overnight stay, the 2 days stay, the plastic cone, and everything else they had to do.

   Bullet is my best friend, he's a huge, gorgeous, caring, and VERY protective German Shepherd. He has always been there for me and never let me down, I don't know any other way to describe him except he loves us. He got hit on the road infront of my house when he was only a couple months old, I live along a major highway. They thought he broke his jaw but he didn't have a single broken bone in his body. He is a miracle.

   After we got home and went through an emotional roller coaster with Bullet, about three days later my great aunt died. I didnt understand why God was putting me through all this at once, it just didn't feel fair. I cried a lot and it wasn't getting any better.

    I realized God doesn't put you through bad things for His amusment or for the heck of it, He does it to test your faith and to give you a chance to o get closer to Him. And if I could go back in time and take back everything that happened this summer, I wouldnt, because with what I went through I got closer to God and I'm proud to be a Christian and worship God. He is the Savior.

____________________________________________________________________________________ plz comment and tell me wt u think :D

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