There was silence for a good while as meat was feasted on and tea consumed. Bellies full and content, eyes became drowsy with the days' journey.

"I know some of you will want to sleep now that it is night and the threat is not so immediate," Shay began, "but I think it best we keep going while darkness is our cover."

Bri'nna put up a hand to cut off any grumbling.

"I would disagree, but Shay has a good point. Our enemies will no doubt rest for a while during nights -- they aren't used to living in the wilderness like some of us -- but the more ground we can put between us and them the better. Although," her eyes sliced through the blackness as she peered into his eyes. "Shay, we have good shelter here...perhaps it would be best to rest for a couple hours before moving on. We don't exactly know what the terrain is between here and Forest Claw; we may not have another chance like this."

His eyes showed multiple emotions and thoughts swept across his face like clouds across the sky. One could almost see the pros and cons going through his mind. Faces turned expectantly toward him, Shay finally spoke.

"Only for two hours. When the moon gets to here," he pointed up and just left of him, "then we pack up and ride like the wind."

Everyone smiled and let out a breath. Even Shay let a smile show; it was open and spoke of generosity, kindness, and was indeed very handsome on him. He turned to Bri'nna and let a chuckle out. It seemed he couldn't let her down; in the end she always got her way.

Sha'ara had lain down in her bag as had everyone, but while they were all thinking about sleep she watched the way Shay looked at her mother. She did not know quite how to feel about it. On one hand, her father had been murdered only weeks before, but on the other, her mother deserved to have happiness again with someone. Of course, he also knew the situation and seemed to be a patient man. With thoughts swirling around in her head like a mobile above a child's bassinet, she drifted off into a deep sleep.

She awoke to find herself completely alone. Then she noticed the ceiling which hung above her in shades of cream. She sat up and peered around; a fireplace with a glowing fire sat on the wall opposite her, exuding warmth and casting shadows on the walls in the room.

Fistfuls of warm and soft bedding were grasped and yanked aside as she hurried out of the bed. There was a large ornate mirror on the wall beside the fireplace and she felt compelled to stand in front of it.

The image she was met with was a slightly older Serephia. The girl in the mirror appeared melancholy, but spoke to Sha'ara in spite of her lack of resolve.

"I am here to warn you. Come with me, there is something I need to show you." With this she reached out and took the girls' hand.


"Do not fear Sha'ara; come with me through the mirror."

So she listened to her former self and went into the mirror. As this happened, their current reality melted away, leaving another in its place.

There, a vast desert plain stretched before their eyes. Sand being swept by unseen winds scattered across the valleys and hills of Forest Claw and the night sky lay thick with stars. In the distance Sha'ara saw the outline of a man, and her eyebrows dipped in curiosity.

"Who is he Serephia?"

"That is Gabri'el. He is the twin brother of Moy'rain."

Sha'ara felt her insides tumble. "What?"

Serephia giggled wryly. "He can help you find The Doors, but I must warn you! He pretends to be something he is not, and is not to be trusted. He is nothing but greedy and bitter; full of resentment he is."

"But why? What is it that he resents?"

"Simply put? Moy'rain. He wants to be King of the realm instead of his brother, and has been coming up with a plot since The Breaking to somehow destroy Moy'rain and take the throne for himself."

"So, what do I do Serephia?"

"You let him help find The Doors. Pretend to trust him, and try to make him trust you. Let him put on his pretense for you. Act innocent; as if you have had no idea about him. But please, do not let him inside the realm!"

"How is it that he is stuck in our world?"

"I myself do not know Sha'ara; as far as I know he had no reason to be here when Arrot blew the Horn."

Sha'ara thought on this. If he had wanted to be King why did he not just stay in Sha'atirna and overcome Moy'rain while in that realm? That way he could have been King all this time. She filed the information and questions away for another time, but resolved to get to know Gabri'el enough to find the answers.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* (❁'◡'❁)(=⌒▽⌒=)(❁'◡'❁)*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Hello and happy Monday! I hope each of you had a great weekend. Remember to treat yourself with gentleness and speak kind words to yourself and others. As writers we know words are power, and can affect us deeply. You are valid and deserve to be heard!

NamjoonsPajamas xo

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