The little minx

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"Wh-what the hell was that for man?!" I click my tongue and stare down at the hunched over man. Don't get me wrong he's tall as fuck, just in pain. I smirk and lift his face up by his chin and make direct eye contact with him "I don't let anyone just bad mouth and threaten to attack people I care for. After all, what kind of
boyfriend would I be huh?" He took a second to register and process what the hell I just said.

His eyes widen and he stood up abruptly "W-wait a damn minute! Y-you two?! A-are a thing?!" I chuckle and cross my arms "Yes and I am a force that shouldn't be reckoned with, I will protect my baby at all cost understand?" He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck "Yeah yeah whatever.." He may be a prick but he does show me respect and hasn't belittled me for being gay, so I might keep him as company.

As I was deep in thought I felt two arms wrap around my waist, I turned getting ready to beat the absolute shit out of whoever was touching me but stopped at the sound of my boyfriend chuckling. "You speak about me as if I'm a baby in need of protecting" I groan and lean into my taller partner's arms. "You are a baby Eren, especially with how often you throw a tantrum or start a fight" "I- whatever! But I don't have to worry about horse face killing my vibes~"

Jean shot him a look and growled out in frustration "That's only because you're dating a fucking powerhouse! And don't act all cocky now I bet you totally get dominated by him! You fucking wuss!" I hid a sly smirk as I chuckle. Eren was quick to defend himself "I do not! We haven't even made it that far!" The two toned hair male quickly butted in "But if you did you'd totally be the bottom"

I let them bicker before Mikasa came over and smashed their heads together. I had to quickly duck out of the way as I didn't want to get crushed while in the middle of them . I sigh and stare up at her with a soft growl of frustration. "What the hell dude? You realize that I've serious could've gotten hurt" She clicked her tongue in response and shrug "Good, then I wouldn't have to worry about a bad influence like you to hurt my Eren" If you couldn't tell by now Me and Mikasa hated each other, I wanted to befriend her at some point, but she just kept claiming I took Eren from her and stole her boyfriend from her. "Mikasa, I'm not scared to punch a bitch in the face" I sigh and help up the boys "Eren isn't a property you just claim Mikasa, besides he's my boyfriend and I'm not very comfortable with you referring to him as yours." She simply rolled her eyes and dragged Eren away.

The tall male smiled at me and said we'd catch up later, I simply roll my eyes and look over at Jean. "You good there horse face? You took quite a hit" The male nodded and rubbed his forehead softly "Yeah, Is he- i mean she single?" I look at him with a raised brow "Yeah the little minx is single, but I'm telling you now you don't want her. She's after my boyfriend and if anything she'll break your heart. Now let's go we got training soon and I heard the corporal is ruthless"

*Dumbass timeskip*

As everyone was training I watched before sauntering up to the corporal, I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked over. I walked up to the slightly taller male with the undercut and smirk. "Oi, how's it going Levi?" Most of us weren't expecting what would happen next.

I'm back my lovelies with more chapters to come~

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