The First Night

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- Jack's POV -

The flight was long and tiring, I felt bad for having to stay with Mark because my videos kept getting demonitized. Fooking bastards, especially my landlord, after the flight I got a taxi to Mark's and knocked on the front door. The taller handsome male opened the door with a big smile, he was in a red t-shirt with black sweats and grey socks. He welcomed me in and helped me set up the guest bedroom and recording station, the rest of my stuff would be getting here tomorrow so I had to wait until then to do a lot.

Me and Mark had ate dinner, seeing as it was around eight, and decided to watch a movie together on his couch. It was a fun first night, then we both fell asleep on the couch

- Antis POV -

I woke up on the couch next to Dark, we groaned and growled at each other. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" He spat, I looked around and growled. "Those fucks!" I shouted with a frustrated sigh. "Sean keeps getting demonitized, he couldn't afford the apartment anymore. I guess they decided to move in without telling us about it" He huffed angrily and went to get some alcohol from Sean's bag, knowing he had brought some with him. I went back down only to get tackled by Dark with a knife, I glitched out of his grasp. "Hey! Precious cargo here ass!" I shouted, referring to the Scotch in my hands. I sat on the couch and he growled walking towards me. "I don't care about your 'precious' cargo, I just want you dead" He said looking ready to attack, I groaned and stood setting down the scotch.

"Listen, I don't like this anymore then you do Dark, so all we can do is deal with it" I said through gritted teeth and sat back down, taking another swig of scotch. "Let's just sit here and drink and watch stupid shite" I said, turning the TV to some stupid show.

○□○ Two hours later ○□○

It only took two hours, a bottle of scotch and vodka, and five shots of tequila but me and Dark started getting along when we came up with a master plan together. "Okay, so let's strip, lay on the couch, fall asleep and let them take over in the morning. They'll think they got absolutely WASTED *Hic* and had sex!" I shouted with a stupid grin on my face making Dark laugh and take his last shot. "Let's fucking *Hic* do it!" He shouted. We both stripped our clothes after drinking a bit of water and laid on the couch together which was really awkward, laying together naked with my enemy that was as drunk as me. Laying with him naked none the leas, my mind started going to awful places.

I shivered and tried to sleep but Dark was having the same thoughts I was as I could feel something poke my ass. "D-Dark, I swear to God, if you fookin' get any closer to me with your dick out *Hic* I'll kill ya" I growled, but he only pulled me closer, that's when I heard it though, his snoring. 'Oh shite' I thought and scooted away a bit, eventually I managed to fall asleep despite how tense I was.

○□○ The next morning ○□○

- Mark's POV -

I woke up hard as a rock and holding Jack close, both of us completely naked, I shot up in shock nearly pushing the smaller male of the couch but catching him before he could fall. I looked around quickly and with alarm, holding Jack's arm, when I heard him stir awake. Within seconds he had the same reaction as me, shooting up in complete shock and dismay. "What. The FOOK. Happened last night?!" He asked in pure fear. "I wish I knew Jack, I wish I knew"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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