Chapter 1

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My name is Rachael and all i remember is I got dropped off on the road by my parents. And now im stuck in this orphanage. And Now i want Revenge!! When all these other orphans go and play. I have a plan to find and get revenge for what they did to me up in my room.

Pearl calls down says "its time to eat children"!! We all run down I pick a seat next to this girl Holly. Holly raises her hand Mrs. Pearl I dont wanna sit near Rachael she creepy and violent!! Mrs. Pearl says be nice Holly you are all here to be friends not to critize. Mrs. Pearl passes out our food. Holly was in a rush to eat and get out of this room and away from me. Holly was about to run off but Mrs. Pearl stopped her where are you going Holly? Holly said I was going to play outside. Mrs .Pearl said well its raining and we are going to be starting class so run up to the classroom.

Ok students we are going to the classroom please throw away your food and follow me. We all follow her. Ok class we are going to paint take out your brushes and show me your creativity. I got out my brush and started drawing knives and blood and two people. I looked over and saw Holly draw a flower. Mrs. Pearl looked over at everyones drawings when she came to me her face dropped....

Mrs. Pearl screamed and wripped up the paper and said " No violence allowed draw something nice like Holly did ". Rachael gave her a death stare and said "I'm drawing what I feel that's what you said". Rachael starting redrawing her artwork until Mrs.Pearl smacks her and pulls her arm. Rachael didn't like that so she put her mouth over her arm and bit down hard that made Mrs.Pearl scream and yelled "Call 911". Rachael wouldn't let go of Mrs.Pearls arm.

Holly ran to the phone and dialed 911 though she tried because Rachael came and pushed her down. Rachael had a bloody knife in her hand.Holly guessed it was Mrs.Pearl's blood and tried to run but she got tripped by.. Rachael. Rachael sliced Holly's throat she saw Holly was still moving so she started stabbing the knife in her stomach,eyes,arms, and legs. Rachael heard the other kids screaming so she went after them...

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