~Chapter 22~

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The drive home was particularly quiet. Neither of them saying anything. Lapis looked out the window, her head in her hand. Peri was focused on driving, her head bobbing softly to the beat of the music that was playing. Lapis huffed here and there, staring at the blur of trees, dreading more and more the unpacking they would have to do. The moment they had earlier having now been pushed to the back of her mind, trying not to think about it too much. An hour or so passed by the time they had pulled into the drive way and Lapis was falling asleep, she hadn't been paying too much attention, and didn't notice that Peridot had messaged her mom to let her know that they were close.  In turn now her mom was out near the front door waiting to get in the car to take them to the Peri's and help unpack their things. The usual conversation started, with Peri's mom asking how the trip went. Peri explained with a bit of embarrassing help from Lapis. Her mom's eyebrows raising at certain spots of the story, and making grossed out faces everytime Lapis made a small hint towards the extra bit of fun they had during the night. Ms. Diamond shook her head, laughing and chuckling abit at their youth. It wasn't long before they pulled into the driveway, and could see Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl waiting for them. With the help of the other three, Peri and Lapis were able to grab all of their things from the car, and up to her apartment, her mom waiting down in the car. Peri huffed, missing the smell of her apartment. The slightly dusty air, the somehow still linger food smell from the last time they cooked. A sight for sore eyes she told herself. She looked back, waving her mom from the balcony, making sure to be away from the railing before going inside and flopping on her bed.

" So how was it you two love birds? Have a good time I assume? " Pearl asked, eager to know the  details of the trip.

" Yea! Spill the beans man! I wanna know everything! Including whatever uh... extracurricular activities you guys did up there!" Yelled Amethyst, getting in Lapis's face a bit with a big grin. Garnet sighed, pulling her back alittle. 

" Come on you two, give them time to relax and settle back in. Besides, If my hunch is correct, these two had another heart to heart, didn't you?" She lowered her shades, glancing at them both.

" How did you know that? I never texted you anything." Peri said, huffing and trying to sit up from her position, but not wanting to move around too much. Lapis looked up as well, worried about what the others would say, and if they would pester her about her past.

" It just a hunch, besides, both of you were rather quiet since you have been back. So, what is it. You don't need to say much, just the important piece." Garnet stated, firm but soft. Peri nodded, missing her friend and her odd way of being the cool headed leader of their friend circle.

" We uh.. we just learned a bit of our pasts, and what we are afraid of in the future.Well, mainly what I feel afraid of with the future. I mean.. we're on the leading edge of history. No one knows what will happen, and we can make plans, but sometimes that doesn't work. Its cool and all, but its also kinda scary. And as cheesy, and illogical as it is, I hope that Lapis is apart of my Future. In a good way, of course. I just fear that sometimes I'm not good enough. And yes, I'm aware we've been together alittle over a month, but.. well you all know how it is. This is something that I don't want to give up on ya know?" Peri finished, fidgeting a bit through out explaining her piece, only calming down when Lapis reached out to her her small hand. She leaned against her just a bit, trying to comfort her. Peri smiled at the gesture mid sentence, and looked up at Garnet, who's attention was now on Lapis.

" And you?"

" Oh, m-me? Well, my past relationship wasn't the best, and it ended on very bad terms. He was controlling, and mentally abusive. And although I know Peri is nothing like that, because she's too kind, and also too busy with her electronics and dancing-"

" Hey.." Peri frowned playfully.

" I still get a bit worried. Or the thought of him coming back. Would I be strong enough to turn him away? What if he hurt Peri, or one of you? I don't know what I would do. I didn't even want to talk about this so soon, but I guess its best to have it out now." The three listened intently, Pearl not even so much saying a word, or interrupting. Amethyst stayed quiet as well, some of what was being said going right over her head, while others hit pretty close to home for her as well. " So what advice do you have for us this time?" Lapis finished up with, holding onto Peri tighter now.

" I have none, except for that we will deal with everything when that time comes. No point in fretting about whats to come if all we can do is live in the now right? We'll just have to see how much you truely love Peri, and if he does show up, if you really are strong enough to turn him away, no matter what. " Garnet stood up, putting her hand on to of Pearl's head, stopping her from saying whatever it was she about to say. " Anyway, you all just got back home, so we will be leaving now."

" Aww what?! They spent all weekend together! Why do WE have to leave now!" Amethyst exclaimed, getting up with puff of her cheeks. Pearl was standing now too, taking her hand and leading her to the door after Garnet. 

" We should all do something tomorrow when school is over, or maybe after you all catch up on the mountain of class and homework sheets you have." Pearl said nodding in the direction of two stacks of papers each with their name neatly labeled on it. Peri's heart immediately sank remembering she had classes she was supposed to be attending, while Lapis looked at them and shrugged, probably meaning there were more stacks of papers at her house. Peri had gotten up to close and lock the doors after the others, before making a stop by the kitchen for a snack and a soda, grabbing extras for Lapis just in case. She pushed a small trash can near the bed with her foot, wanting to keep the house somewhat clean from now on, since Lapis was over so often. She set down the food she gathered, and raised her shirt above her head and removed her bra. She then put the shirt back on, and opened her drawer and pulled out black yoga shorts. She out them on after kicking off her pants in a very clumsy way after catching Lapis staring. She got back onto the bed, and turned on her gaming system, switching it to Homeflix, and putting on something mindless.

" So.. what do we do now Peri?" Asked Lapis, who's hands were playing with Peri's hair. 

" Like Garnet said, we just take it day by day. All we can do is wait and hope, and do what we do every day. But tomorrow," Peri pointed at the stack. " That's getting done." Lapis let out a dramatic groan, flopping against the pillows, and hiding her face. Peri smiled softly, eating a small chip, and turning her attention back to the show she had decided to put on.

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