The Final Chapter

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The day started as any other. Lapis woke up late, and Peri had already made breakfast and was dressed. Lapis walked down the stairs of their newly bought house, thanks to Lapis's mom. Lapis yawned and stretched, sniffing the air and catching the aroma of eggs. She placed her hand on her stomach, and walked over to the kitchen, finding Peri cooking the last of their breakfast and plating it. Peri smiled at Lapis as she walked in, and walked over to kiss her cheek. Lapis did her routine check of her, looking for any new scars, and nodding when she found none. Lapis followed Peri over to the table, sitting down and helping spread the forks and napkins between them. Peri sat down a second later, and sighed happily.
" After all that we have been through, it feels like we can finally rest." Peri said contently.
" Yea, it seems that way." Lapis said, toying with a slice of her pancake before spearing it and eating. Peri eyed her, and then spoke again.
" You still blame yourself, don't you?"
Lapis was quiet, and continued to eat.
" Lapis." Still nothing.
Peri got a tone in her voice.
" Lapis Lazuli, you will answer me."
Lapis sighed, and looked at Peri.
" I do.. you know I do. I can't help it. But.. it makes it alittle easier with the things you tell me when I get in this moods. It's just hard to know that we are living like this, that you still love me after what I put you through."
" And what do I tell you everytime this topic comes up?" Peri questioned.
" That no matter what, you would find a way to stay with me, to prove that you love me each and every day so I can help battle these thoughts in my head. Or something to that effect."
" Exactly, now eat up, it's getting cold." Peri said smiling and digging back in. Lapis chuckled softly, and finished off her food as well, feeling a bit better.
The two decided to take a walk around the beach after breakfast, and enjoy the nice weather. Peri walked closer to the shore line, liking how the water splashed up her bare legs. Lapis walked behind her, looking out at the ocean, and watching as the sun rays bounced off the calm waves. They were silent, and soon stopped near a little cove, sitting down to take a rest. Peri watched the water rise and fall near her feet, and looked over at Lapis. She had her eyes closed, and was humming a soft tune to herself. Peri listened and then closed her eyes, knowing what was coming next. Lapis began to sing softly, her voice following the same time she was just humming. Peri smiled, and then opened her eyes, looking out to the ocean and watching the sunset. Together they sat there well after the sun seemed to dip into the ocean, leaving the only light source the moon and stars. Lapis leaned against Peri, and placed her hand in Peri's lap. Peridot placed her hand on top of hers, and kissed the top of Lapis's head. Peri felt her phone vibrate, but she ignored it, not wanting to ruin the little moment they were having. It vibrated once again, and then was silent. She sighed, looking at it. It was Garnet texting her, telling her that someone wanted to meet her and Lapis. She didn't respond, figuring it could wait. What she didn't figure was the text could cause even more problems between her and Lapis, by introducing someone into their lives. Who was this person that wanted to meet them, and just how did they hear about them? Will we every know?

~ End~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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