- oM3n - FA TE 1

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Author notes
Chapter oM3n - FA TE is somekind of flashback.. Like waaaaaayy back
It tells the story of the characters long before they met.
A fateful event
A phase turn of fate brought them to meet and have a complicated relationship.

Omen : Turn of Fate - The Letter

Dear my friend,

This is my kids, Han Jinhee and Han Jisung.

I'm so sorry for this sudden, but I want to entrust them to you.

You know that I will sacrifice everything in my life, everything I had for my kids, right?
It's enough for me to lost my love of life. I can't bear to lost them too

This thing called revenge will take a long time of my life
You do know that if I can't catch them, they will haunt my family for their entire generation.
They hate me. So they want me to suffer. They want to destroy my family, my life, my reason to live.

So please take care of them.
Make them strong enough to survive in this cruel world.

I know you already left the "harsh" world of yours years ago
I know you don't want to give your only son the taste of cruelty and a dark side of this world. Like what you've been through in your life.

But, for once. I want you to introduce your slice of life to my kids. To my daughter and to my little son.
They have to prepare
They have to be ready
They have to be strong
Strong enough to live

Make Jinhee strong enough to live with him as a sister
Make Jisung strong enough to live with her as a brother

But, please make sure to not make them lost humanity
Please make them to know about love in this life too
Please make them to know that I love them

You said you owe me for helped you
I'm sorry to have make you pay for that this way

5 years ago is never a mistake
I'm happy to help you,
I'm glad to make their leader's son rotten in a jail
It's never a mistake
I never regret it. They deserve it.

But my wife doesn't deserve the dead. With that in my mind, I'll go to seek my revenge.
To protect my family too.
Because again, they will never stop to ruin me

Lee Jaebum, my friend..
I leave my precious kids on your care
Thankyou, and I'm sorry for making you do this

Your buddy, Han Yukhei


Dear my buddy,
I'm so sorry for your lost.
I consider her as my own sister, hearing the news that she's gone make me angry too
I'm so sorry that I can't do anything for her.

But honestly, getting a revenge is not sound good
I know how you feel. You feel lost, I know
But is it matter?
You can just go to another state

I know runaway is not a good choice. But at least you'll still be with your kids. Being with them is mean alot too, don't you think?
Please, consider it again
For your kids. For your life
For your reason to live.

But on top of all of that, I will help you
Including to take care of your kids in any way
Just, talk to me whenever you need me. Don't danger yourself
Your kids still need their father

Your friend, Lee Jaebum


Dear my friend,
Thankyou for your kind and wise words
But it is matter

this revenge is the way of life that I decided. I will live it thoroughly.
Please help my children understand this decision.
I don't want them to be strong just to continue my revenge. All I want is for them to be strong enough to face the harshness of the world and threats that will haunt them later.

If I'm gone, please don't make them follow my footstep to this journey of revenge
If I'm gone, please give them a reason to live,
To survive.

Your buddy, Han Yukhei

So, Han Yukhei is the name of Jisung father 😏
And what happened 5 years ago?
See you
Ce ya
C y

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