Trust Issues

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Daenerys was in her room alone with Grey Worm contemplating what to do and their next plan in case a war breaks loose. There were more soldiers guarding her quarters now and following her wherever she goes. Queen Daenerys gave them orders not to let anyone in. Jon came to her chambers to talk to her and noticed the amount of soldiers around. He felt bad that she couldn't feel safe in her own castle, let alone her own room all because of his own family.

He walked up to the door and the soldiers blocked him from entering. He looked at them confused as to why he's not allowed in.
"Let me in, I have business with the Queen" he commanded.

The soldiers just looked at him in silence and Jon returned their gaze. Jon wouldn't move till they let him pass, but the Unsullied would never disobey their Queen. After a few minutes of straight stares and silence, the Dothraki leader interrupted as he went up to the chamber's door and entered without a question. Jon sighed at this wondering why he couldn't go in but any soldier of the Queen could enter.

"Let me go in! You let their leader pass through without so much of a look, but you hold me here for what!" He said frustrated.
Daenerys heard Jon outside yelling at her men and decided to wrap the conference with the two leaders of her armies up. They finished discussing everything they needed at the moment.

Both Grey Worm and the leader of the Dothraki stepped out together and Jon looked at them puzzled. He wanted to know what both leaders of her armies were doing in her chambers alone. Before Grey Worm left, he turned to one of the soldiers and said something in Valyrian. The soldier looked at Jon and told him he may finally go in. Jon entered a little angry at what just happened.
Daenerys was sitting on the chair next to the table with some battle plans and wine in her hand. She looked at Jon and gulped the last bit of her wine.

"Why wouldn't your soldiers let me in?"
"I asked them not to let anyone in until I finished discussing urgent matters."
"And why couldn't I be involved...I thought you trust me."
"I do trust you, but this is not about you, it's about Westeros."
Jon looked down at the table with battle plans.
"You were discussing battle plans without me when I'm the one who leads the Northern soldiers." He then took a step closer to her and sighed, "Why Dany? It doesn't seem like you trust me."

Daenerys grabbed his hand, "Jon, I love you and I trust you more than anyone. But I learned my lesson from last time...and I just can't involve you in this until it's time for you to know."
Jon looked at her confused, "Last time?"
Daenerys sighed, "You told your family a secret I begged you to keep and look where that led to. I can't make that mistake again. If I told you this right now, you'd go straight to your sisters and I can't have that happening until the time has come."

Jon let go of her hand. He remembered what he did because he thought it was right, but he didn't think of the consequences that would happen because of it. He looked at Dany with sad eyes, he felt bad for betraying her but on top of that he felt a bit angry that she wouldn't let him in on her plans because now he knew for sure it had something to do with Bran.

"Very well" Jon said lowly as he left the room.
Daenerys couldn't help but feel a bit guilty, but she knew what she had to do.

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