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Daenerys was walking with Grey Worm and Daario to the septum. "Can I ask...why did you do it? I never took you for that type of person." Daario took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "You left me in Essos after everything I've done for you, I loved you, and then you commanded me to keep the peace and just left and never turned back. Months later I hear of the war to come, so I came here and Cersei approached me. She told me everything about you...about this Jon Snow. I was angry at first, then she told me what I can do...I agreed. I have nothing to lose, not you, not no one, nothing. I've been nothing and never will be anything...and when I met you, I thought everything could change, I thought I could find actual happiness, but boy I was wrong."

Daenerys showed no emotion, she couldn't feel pity for him or even try to, especially not after what he did.


Citizens started piling up once they heard the Queen had an announcement to make. The crowds were getting rowdy as they waited for the Queen to make an appearance. Men of the Unsullied were slowly marching into a formation with space in between them.

Daenerys walked forward with Daario by her side imprisoned by Grey Worm.
The people got louder with their whispers as they wondered who the strange man that was captured is.

Daenerys took a moment for the crowd to get silent and continued. "To the people of King's Landing! First I rid you of a tyrant, now I bring you the man who massacred your families, friends...the men, women, and children of this city! Under the influence of Cersei, he set wildfire in the ground ready to rig knowing the war was to come and caused those explosions that destroyed not only your homes, but your loved ones as well."

The crowd started shouting at the man they've never seen and yelled curses at him. Suddenly everyone heard a powerful growl and Drogon appeared behind Daario.
"I bring you all justice as this man will pay for his sins!"
The citizens started cheering for the dragon queen and with one word, Daario Naharis was lit up.

With that Daenerys turned away from the crowd and started heading back to the broken down Red Keep.

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