Chapter 30

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Jade's POV

It was no later than 6:30 when I woke up. Tori was still sleeping peacefully next to me, so I got off the bed as silently as I could and went to snoop around Vega's room so that I could find out what was bothering her so much these days.

I snooped around for a few minutes before finally finding something I could work with. Under a pile of bunch of crap on her dresser, I found a notebook. I opened it up and discovered that it was a journal; my girlfriend had a diary...Okay then. I opened it up to the first entry October 12th, Tori's first day at HA:

"Dear journal,
Today was my first day of school at Hollywood Arts. The people and teachers are really fun and all, but there was this one person, Jade West. One look at her and you know she is all closed up and pissed off 24/7. I accidentally spilled coffee on her boyfriend today, and she flipped out. On our improvising exercise, she made me be a dog and she spilled coffee over my head to get rid of the flees. She's such a bitch. Honestly I don't even know why she was mad at me in the first place, what did I ever do to her?"

You rubbed my then boyfriend all over, and it pissed me like hell at that time

"It's not like I'm even interested in her boyfriend, Beck, if that is what she's worried about. I'm not even interested in guys at all."

Wait a second, Vega didn't want Beck. She was gay even then?

"I've never been kissed, never had a boyfriend. I don't know, most guys are just stupid or asses, so I don't even bother with them"

Oh... Anyways, skipping a few pages over, reading through her many complaints about me and wishing I'd go to hell and all that. I found and entry the first day of senior year:

"Dear journal,
Today is the first of senior year. I'm so worried about getting into Juilliard. I've done everything I've had to do at HA these past 2 years so that I could get in, but what it's not enough? What am I gonna do if I don't get in? I can't imagine what I would do if not making music for the rest of my life. And then there's Jade... I just wanna get away from her. She won't help make my life any easier this year..."

Tori wanted to go to Juilliard, I already knew that but she was worried about getting in, why? She was surely going to get in. She's the most amazing singer and person I've ever met in my entire life. Reading this page however, stuck a knife in my heart. I didn't know she hated me that much, I felt the tears running down my face, but I read onwards anyway:

"OH. MY. GOD. I can't believe this! Sikowitz paired me and Jade up for a challenge. We have to pretend to date for 6 months, so that we can get along better. Honestly, I don't think that is ever gonna happen. Jade hates me and I hate her as well. I just had to get through this year without any complications, but that won't be possible now"

Okay, so that wasn't a shock, I knew she was all pissed about the challenge, so I skipped to one month into the challenge:

"Jade kissed me! She freaking stole my first kiss! I can't believe she did that! But why did she? She knew I'd never kissed anyone, so she did it for some other screwed up reason. As much as I wanted to be so mad at her, I couldn't... I just think that my idea of a first kiss is way overrated; I guess it doesn't really exist. Also, for a first kiss, our kiss wasn't that bad. I didn't know what came over me then, but I kissed Jade back. I liked kissing Jade, and now that I'm not so mad, I actually want to maybe do it again, but I also don't"

I cried even more. Maybe we were in love now, but I ruined Tori's first kiss. I had to make it up to her somehow

"November 17th,
It's been a week since the incident where Jade kissed me. We we're sort of friends now, and she, for once seems to be okay with that. Tonight we went bowling and Jade and Cat were acting so weird, what's going on?"

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