[ chapter 2 - extreme! ]

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we all can guess what this is lmao



"Get up, fucking dweeb!"

Akira rolled out of her bed with a scream, nearly bumping right into Hejjikuma, who was staring at her with a glare. "It's super late. Why the hell are you still sleeping? You're supposed to be killing, not sleeping!" He shouted.

"I'm not going to kill someone, Hejjikuma. You can cut that off your agenda because it's not going to work on me," she replied hastily, standing up, brushing off her clothes, and leaving him alone in her room.

Stupid hedgehog.


Everyone was in the dining hall except her, which was a bit sad.

"Oh, there you are, Akira! I thought you died or something!" Banri chuckled as she walked in. "Dudette freaked me the F out."

"Just... Just say fuck, man," Naoki growled, "it's like you refuse to swear for some reason. Why? It's fun."

"Dude. Not cool," Banri replied seriously. He wrapped one arm around a confused Raizo sitting next to him. "My little buddy here doesn't like cusses. Right?"

"Um... no..." Raizo answered, sounding like he didn't even know what they were talking about, "swears are mean."

Eiko gushed as usual, putting her hand on her cheek and swooning onto an uncomfortable-looking Mioko. "Aw, isn't that adorable? Little guy doesn't like cussing! You know, Mioko, you and him are pretty similar because of how wholesomely pure you are!"

Mioko looked to the side, coughing into her hand to avoid the taller girl seeing her blushing. "O-Oh, you think so?"

Kouta smiled as the students conversated. "Well, it's good to see all of you guys getting along. I was afraid you'd all turn as grouchy as Rei."

Rei glared at him before sighing. "...Whatever. Sorry."

"Wo-hoah, what was that?" Kouta asked, leaning closer to the purple-haired girl. "Did you just apologize to me?"

Rei shook her head. "No. I said-"

"You totally did!" He grinned even wider. "That's great! It means we have progress. You're nicer now."

Rei covered her mouth with the book she was reading, badly hiding a smile. "Well, I'll take what I can get, I guess. That doesn't mean I care about any of these morons."

Kouta rolled his eyes. Something about that made Akira believe he knew she was lying. Even though the archer was only listening, she felt like their smiles were contagious and caught one herself. The fact that Rei went from ' get out of my face or I'll shank you ' to ' eh, I guess you're alright ' was good.

"Yo! Aki! Over here!" Mutsumi shouted for her, waving her arm around and pulling out an empty chair next to her. "Come sit next to me! We're an extreme trio, you know! That's how it works!"

Akira accepted her offer gratefully, sitting down. Though, it was a bit odd - usually, she sat next to Obokata or someone who sat by themselves in an attempt to get them to be more social.

It never worked, but A+ for effort.

"Yo. Aki. I got the best idea ever on how to stop any more murders," Mutsumi announced excitedly. "Can I use your arm as a reference?"


"...Sure?" It was more of a question than an answer. Mutsumi nodded and smiled, putting their arms together so they were side-by-side. Well, now she was even more confused.

"See this? I call this the ' Super X-Treme Anti-Murder Friendship-Making Plan 101 [for teens!] '. Basically, everyone picks their most trusted friend and the two of them handcuff their arms together so they can't kill anymore!" She explained. "It's fool-proof!"

Akira was silent for a few seconds, waiting for the girl to go ' just kidding! ' or for her to explain her own plan's holes, but when she smiled completely seriously, she just decided to explain herself. "...But what if someone kills their partner? And what if someone doesn't have anyone they want to cuff with? What if someone picks another person as their partner, but that other person picks someone else?"

"Um..." Mutsumi looked to the side awkwardly. "Details will be worked out in the near future... Anyway, if you had to pick someone, who would it be? I'd clearly pick Kata since he's too antisocial to talk to anyone else. Eiko and Mioko would probably pair up, and so would Rei and Kouta, and also Chiemi and Shinako, and also-"

Akira cut her off, not wanting to hear her list an obvious list. "Um... well, if this was before the previous trial, I'd probably say Ikue, but... I don't really know. Anyone who asks me to, I guess."

"Huh. Good answer. You trust everyone equally so there's no bias there," Mutsumi let go of the archer's hand and put her own back at her side, "that's good. Ya' always wanna stay in the middle. If you have a bias towards someone, if they do something bad like kill someone, you might not say anything. Heck, you might even help 'em."

"Don't you also have a bias, Sumi?" Akira murmured. Mutsumi's eyes nearly goggled out of her socket (it was pretty comical).

"W-What? No way! Dude's too scared of blood to even think about doing a murder!" Mutsumi hissed. "I'm not biased - bias is uncool and I am obviously cool. Very cool."

Akira put her hand in front of her mouth and giggled. "Cooler than the snow you snowboard on?"

Mutsumi flicked her hand, a confident smile on her face. "That's an insult to my level of coolness."

Well, it was a weird morning, but at least both parties seemed to enjoy it. Akira noted most other people were starting to leave the dining hall to go do their own thing. Obokata was standing awkwardly in a corner, trying not to be seen looking at them (probably waiting for them to finish).

"Hey, Sumi. It's been fun, but I think that Kata wants to talk to you," she pointed to the man who pretended not to see her finger. "So I'll go so he can talk to you. So... cya around?"

Mutsumi nodded. "Yeah. Cya."


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