Chapter 41

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"Theo you can't do this to me!" I streamed at his struggling against the ropes he was using to tie my hands to the bed posts. He ignored my please though.
"Theo this is insane just let me go I won't tell anybody about this I promise just please let me go ok and maybe we can still see each other" I tried to reason with him it's true Theo was insane but I just hoped he wasn't to far gone. Come on Theo think about this.

"Y/n if I let you go we won't be able to be like this anymore people would try to take you away from me.saying that us being together is wrong.they will ruin your pure body and mind with the here filthy filthy lies I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen." He told me creasing my face with his fingers. I took gamble and lunges forwards biting him I knew how to fight I knew how to survive I was not going to because a submissive little puppet for Theo to use however he wished. Theo pulled his hand away quickly. I had broken the skin I could taste the iron substance in my mouth. Theo glances at me a mix of hurt and slight pleasures in his face the fucking mascotist. He grabbed some duct tape and placed over my mouth.
"Sweetie why are you fighting this. This is what you wanted us to be together forever" he said as he left the room. I was trapped with psychotic stepbrother for a lovers.

| Flash Back |

"This is your fault y/n" Theo told me with his right fist still in the wall next to me and my phone clutched in his left. Shit! This was bad. Theo pocketed my phone and placed his left hand on the other side on my body trapping me. I gathered my courage and looked up into his dark eyes.

"I know you did something to me I apparently know that Noah guy but I don't remember him not to mention the fact that you had my phone and I can only guy you also took my keys. So answer me what did you do to me?" I questioned him I didn't miss the way his expression darkened when I said Noah's name.

"Don't say another mans name in my presence kitten." Thoe growled. He unclenches his right fist and brought it near my face I squeezed my eye shut praying that It was a dream maybe I had fallen asleep with Theo and this was just a bad bad dream. Theo then grabbed my wrists pulling them together I tried to pull them aware with all my strength but it was futile. Theo had me in his grasps and wasn't going to let me go. He used one hand to pull my wrist and by exsyention me to the bed while he pulled some strong rope form under his bed and started to tie me to his bed.

| present time |

Having you hands tired to different bed post and having duct tape placed over you moth is not a good position to be in if your trying to plot your escape. Not mention trying to recall memories of five people were the only information on them you have is there names. I looked over to the bedside table and saw a little electronic clock that stated the time, date and day of the week. Wednesday. It was Wednesday that means that Amber and my father would be back in three days. I started to internally celebrate until I realised Theo was insane he wouldn't let Amber or my Father interfere with me staying here. I was trapped. I screamed to try and relived some of my tension people say that works.... they lied if anything I felt more stressed then before. I had to think about this logically ok so as it stands these were the current facts.
One: I was tired to the bed
Two: I was without a way to contact the world outside
Three: I was still in love with my captor.
Four: said captor believe he was In love with me.
I wants going to lie this didn't look that great for me. I tried to screen for Theo I needed to talk some sense with him try and figure out what his plan for me, my father and Amber was. Hopefully without giving him ideas I banged myself against the bed making noise until I herd the bedroom door open.

"Kitten did you want something?" Theo asked grinning sadisticly at me I tried to not glare at him. Theo wasn't stupid he knew I wouldn't becomes submissive helpless girl straight away so there is no way acted like that would work. But acting like i didn't hate this side of him and acting like I agreed with this psychotic idea to never let me out of the house was a good idea might just give me enough brownie points so he would untie me from the bed. I nodded my head sweetly at him and then gestured to my mouth with my hands that were still bound the the head bored and let we just tell you that was extremely hard. Theo walked over to me caressed my face sweetly and ripped the duct tape of I note my lips trying to hold back the scream of pain as he ripped some of my small hair on my face off. I let out a small wimpier that was quickly silenced by Theo lips. He wasn't the Theo I loved he had changed completely.

"Oh I'm sorry kitten I didn't mean to hurt you" Theo told me leaning his forehead on mine. I bit my lip so I wouldn't ask the question I really wanted to ask. I took a deep breath.

"Theo when are you going to untie me?" I asked quietly.

"Well princess that depends on your behaviour." He told me capturing my lips again.

(A/n I cannot tell you how happy i am to say that my book has 74.5K reads you guys are amazing and thank you so much I love all of you some much thank you.)

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