The Song!

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It was scorching summer of June when I first came to Hyderabad. The first time I left my parents and came across to stay with my grandparents and study. I was loving the new freedom, I always loved and yearned for moments I get away from my parents. In an orthodox family I was the different or the difficult one. For more than 10 years I silently waited for the moment when I could get away from them and have a life that I carve for myself. I like to decide what I want for myself. But as a kid I was always asked to choose what they liked for me. They gave me freedom with conditions. Which for me still felt like no freedom. I like to wear clothes that looked vibrant, I liked to dress in skirts listen to loud music and never wanted to chant the slokas(the sacred chants) for hours as my parents did. Not that I think they are wrong but, It just wasn't me.

I came along with my brother - Naksh, who was all my life then. We had similar thoughts, but he was always the one who kept forth his views and got the best out of it. I always searched for a way out of the place. I was a chattering kid who spoke a lot even then I had a silent face of mine which no one ever got to know. And there I was. We enjoyed our ride in the train for 30 Hours. We spoke of the 100 things we wanted to do, read books, ate and drank all we wanted to. The journey was just one of the few things I liked till then. I was greeted by Grandma and grandpa. We reached around the lunch time. After the lunch we all sat in the hall discussing different things. I was sitting facing the door which clearly showed whenever someone passed by into the neighbors house. 

I was deep into the discussions about the changes to be made in my room, the books I need to buy and the ways to travel to my college. Just then I heard a song one of the most popular numbers then.  Someone has entered the neighborhood singing loud enough to be noticed. My grandpa woke up from the chair and called Chirag! He spoke about things that I wasn't aware of then. I couldn't see him then I saw he was wearing a white shirt with tiny prints across it. I could only listen to him. Mesmerizing he sounded even in the simple conversations and respectful of the person he was speaking to. I was peeping around to see his face but he just ended the conversation by then and moved on picking up the song where he left it. I wasn't aware at that time what he would become to me I was sure he might be one of the friends I was about to have in my new world.

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