"Alright," Tiger called out to gather everyone around. "Cub, here's the plan. As we march through this hell for the next four weeks, we will be teaching you jungle survival and more combat. We will also be running through Special Forces tactics, techniques, and procedures. There will be a few night exercises each week to help with your training in this."

"Other than that, it has been agreed that you will have five hours with me each day to focus on your schoolwork," Treat added quietly.

"The schedule will be different each day," Wolf grunted. "Today, we're starting with the tactics, techniques, and procedures of a Long Range Recon Patrol. Otherwise known as TTPs of a LRRP."

"You're navigating," Lion growled out, tossing a map and compass that Alex caught easily, making the soldier scowl.

After Tiger told him the checkpoint that they were making for, the group grabbed their rifles and trekked through the diverse terrain for the rest of the morning, following Alex's directions. As they went, the soldiers were soon drenched from a mixture of rainwater, sweat, and the murky water of the swamps they crossed as they pointed out survival tips, taught him how to use the sun to tell time or direction, and had him practice different tactical formations, emphasizing that the column formation was best if they wanted to slow down any trackers. The canopy of leaves above them sometimes provided cover from the downpour that had started a few minutes into their journey but, more often than not, the rain that collected on those leaves would get so heavy that at least one of them would be treated to a cold shower as they passed underneath. Even though this was a brief respite from the constantly rising heat of the rainforest, it only increased the humidity around them and made everyone more miserable as they kept marching. More than once, the soldiers snapped at each other and Alex resignedly redirected their attention to keep them on track.

By the time they reached their checkpoint five hours later at around lunch time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they were able to split up to complete various tasks. While the rest of the soldiers hung the tarp between a couple of high branches to give them some cover or prepared the disposable metal stoves for their army rations, Alex went with Eagle to gather firewood. A few minutes into their search, they came across a mangrove swamp and worked on collecting some of the branches.

"Look, Cubby!" Eagle exclaimed. "Let's see how far I can throw this!"

Alex turned around to see the soldier pick up a rock and hurl it across the swamp. "Eagle," he sighed exasperatedly. "I don't think now is the time to be stone skipping."

"But I'm bored!" Eagle pouted while throwing some more rocks. "Maybe everyone would be happier if we took a break!"

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