figs vs fags

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I just reread the first one I posted and realised that people might think I made a typo and meant fag.

I didn't. 

I would never use that word. I don't think I have ever spoken it.

But I would be allowed to because I'm a questioning mess about my own gender identity and sexuality.

So yes.

I actually find this kinda funny because I will never reread the book again the same way.

And if you have read the song of achilles and have never reread it, do.

If you have never read it, I'm not quite sure why you are reading this.

On tumblr or pintrest or something there was this harry potter post about replacing 'wand' with 'dick'.

It was an experience.

So thank you for reading this meaningless update about nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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